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The best things about not smoking

For me, the best things about not smoking, becoming a non smoker, are the small things. I have never been driven by 'how bad' smoking is for your health, of course, clearly, smoking is terrible for your well being. Somehow, my brain had learned to navigate around that fact, because of the nicotine, the drug; It was dismissed - 'it won't happen to me' attitude. So finding a driving factor for my quit has never been clear cut, until one day I had a moment of clarity.


The day I threw away smoking out of my life, the day before I found this wonderful website, I saw sense. I had been thinking about quitting for about a month, but as ever with a quit 'it was never the right time'. So I had been soul searching for a reason that I know would help me achieve the quit. Of course I had the normal reasons: financial, health and 'you ain't getting any younger!' And then after 25 years of smoking, it hit me, it was obvious. I realised that nicotine had control over me.


I was in every sense a 'slave' to a drug. A junkie.


My day would be structured around smoking. Did I have enough smokes. When I would smoke. Do I have enough smokes for tomorrow? All this would go through my head first thing in the morning, sometimes even before bed the night before. It seemed normal.


To not have that constraint on my thoughts and movements really is an indescribable euphoria. It's finding inner freedom, shaking off a dependency that gave me nothing. All the things I thought I couldn't do if I stopped smoking, I can, and better: Socialise, be creative, and concentrate.


Yes the first two weeks were a bastard nightmare, but, I would do it again in a blink of an eye if I knew it would get me to where I am now.


Even after just a month, I feel brilliant. A million times better than I did after having a smoke. I still have a journey I know, however whenever I now get the urge to smoke, I visualise a prison cell in my head, and say to myself if I smoke again I will be walking back into that cell. It works, it works for me - I will never want to lose this feeling I have.


So anybody thinking about stopping smoking, not only look at the health and financial aspects of smoking, but see it as taking back control of your life, take the helm back - it's yours.

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I adore this. I came up on a rough situation yesterday, with someone from my past, who could have driven me to smoking before. I said, "I'm not smoking now, and I keep my quit, and not anyone, or anything will interfere with that." Larks, I never said that before during ANY quit. Get out on the forum and post. You're brilliant. Time to start paying it forward, buddy. (Although you've done that with me countless times, I want everyone to know what a sound quit you are.)

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Still winning


To not have that constraint on my thoughts and movements really is an indescribable euphoria. It's finding inner freedom, shaking off a dependency that gave me nothing. All the things I thought I couldn't do if I stopped smoking, I can, and better: Socialise, be creative, and concentrate. 


THIS!! 110% this statement!!  


Oh you won't believe the freedom that is around the corner if you just hold on. It is so lovely to be free of it all.


I would really love it if you would share this on the quit smoking discussions. You just never know who is reading behind the scenes and where they will look and this inspires me 13 months quit, you could inspire someone new even if they never join the site.



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Thank you for a wonderful post.

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wow...beautiful Karl! 

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Thanks for this post. I always felt like that one of the reasons my quits were unsuccessful was because I am not motivated to quit by health, family and money.  I am physically and emotional tired of the control that cigarettes have over me. 

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