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Just for reference to read later. It's the patches! I got that feeling again. I'm out of commission for at least 15 20 min. Chest is tight. I took old patch off put new on feel like I'm coming unglued! I'm shaking need water lots of water so thirsty! Carmex my lips went instantly dry just like my v mouth. Feels like they are cracking open. Why does it have to be so hard! I want to stab someone with a fork... dropping my son at school and getting in a good cry. Hope I last that long. Stopping to get water on way home. Breathe I can do this I'm not a smoker I'm not a smoker. Fresh air. Nope not today!!!!

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Jen how are you feeling now? I hope you didn't stab anyone with a fork?


What helped me in the early days when I felt like that I would go for a walk, I would talk, shout and kick a stone yes I Might have looked like a loon but it worked and I felt better for it


Keep posting Jen, you might not feel it but you are doing awesome!!! Now step away from the forks...



Devil Doll


How are you feeling now Jen? Is the strength of patch that you are using too strong? 

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I am feeling much better! The drive to drop my son off and rolling my window down on the drive back. Plus getting some water really helped. The cry helped. Just posting since I couldn't scream helped drastically. I needed to get the frustration out and this was the only way I could come up with on short notice. I really dislike that feeling. It happened the same way yesterday at the same time. When I changed my patch and put the new one on. I wonder if they effect anyone else like that?? It almost feels like it'd be better to not have the patches on! At least I'd withdraw and not have to go through that every day... I don't know. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Either way I stuck to my guns and I'm still smoke free. Thank you Tracey for checking on me :)

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Like DevilDoll says, it could be that the patch is too strong. I've experimented with them in the past, and you can cut them down....like cut 25% off ¨.....like the top of an egg. 



I was smoking about a pack n half a day. I got the 21mg patch the highest step I think. I didn't know I could cut them. Do you think it'd hurt to cut part off?? Maybe it is too much I've never used patches before. The first 2 days didn't seem to bother me. Its the past 2 days that every time I switch it I feel awful



Sorry Oneistoo I just reread your comment. My mind has been everywhere past couple days. I will try to cut some off tomorrow and see if that helps a little. If this is how its going to be every time I change a patch I'd almost rather take a couple of days to withdraw and screw the patch

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Sorry Oneistoo I just reread your comment. My mind has been everywhere past couple days. I will try to cut some off tomorrow and see if that helps a little. If this is how its going to be every time I change a patch I'd almost rather take a couple of days to withdraw and screw the patch

Jen...The patches made me shaky/jittery, it did wear off though.  I think the nicotine going directly into your bloodstream allows it to build up a little bit.  I like the idea of cutting the patches a bit.

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Devil Doll


You can definitely cut them but make sure that you have some really good medical tape handy to help them to stick. :D 



I will have to go get some. I'd look pretty funny running around with it duct taped to my arm LOL I noticed when it gives me nicotine I can taste it in the back of my mouth so gross



I ended up taking my patch off at like 1 my time just after I dropped my son off at school. It says on the pack not to smoke in the next couple hours cause there's still nicotine in your system so I figured I'd swing it and see how long it lasted before I broke down and put a new one on... I didn't. The evening seemed to go pretty good. I had a huge battle with the electric company over the phone this morning. The guy told me what I needed to pay to have our utilities turned on in our new place and of course the woman I talked to today wanted 150.00 more then he told me.. I freaked out on her and cussed her from here to Sunday.. Hung up on her. I was really just flustered we don't have that kind of money. The ONLY reason we're moving right now is the new guy that moved in downstairs keeps trying to start fights with my husband and has overrun the yard, driveway and everything else. We can't keep our kids bottled up in an upstairs apartment.. We are NOT the fighting kind and I won't have him jumping us in front of our kids. If that's how he wants to teach his kids fine. So I plan to throw a fit about this and wanting my deposit back we have served out our lease the only thing I can't do is professionally clean the carpets. If I could have moved in a timely fashion I could have... That's 375.00 enough to cover what we need to finish moving. We won't have heat or hot water in this new place for a week! Unless I can get our deposit back. That's after borrowing money..


Breathe.... BUT I'm actually doing very well despite other things going on.. I sat and debated on going to get a pack of smokes for like an hour after the call with utilities.. I thought I have to take my son and the boy I baby sit both to the gas station with me, its cold, there's snow and ice, I have to heat up car, really?? LOL then BAM I was like HA yeah right not happening. I'm super tired I guess not having the patch on messed up my being able to sleep.


I am not even sure why I even bothered typing all of that! Ah heck I feel better so who cares.

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