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Old Pharte - Who Would Have Thought!

I am 4 days away from making Old Pharte Status and I will be away with work which seems almost apt for my anniversary as I was away with work when I quit.


all I can say is what a journey! phew, so much has happened in a year .......


This is not a pat on the back thread, this thread is dedicated to the newbies or others still finding their quit feet


I know when I first quit I looked up to the old phartes and thought I want to be where they are, they are so sure of themselves and their quits, that is where I want to be! I listened and watched them but in the same token I felt they were a mile away from what I was feeling as they have traveled so far from the path I was traveling on at the time but I wanted to look ahead.


My quit has been up and down and although I am on easy street for now, I do not forget the bumps in the road as that is where most of my education came from, from actually going through it and coming out the otherside


I could not have done it without the support from members here who I class as friends, not fleshy but still friends :) we have laughed and cried together for a year, below are some examples of those bumps










so those new here who think wow Tracey is solid in her quit, yes she is but just like you, there were wobbles so what you are feeling or thinking someone here really did go through the same thing and understands.


It is why I always say to people read and post and work it through because it is possible to come through the wobbles.


People will keep telling us how it can be done and one day we listen and before we know it we are doing it! And cruising down easy street.

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Just lovely :)

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You are awesome! Well done and thank you for your support.

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Wonderful blog, Tracey!  So proud for you...

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Love this Tracey! It means a lot to those of us still following, knowing that we can do it, just like you!   Congrats :)

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I Love Tracey !

I am so glad you are FREE FREE FREE.

Happy Face HERE.



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Well said and what a great example you have set for others :)

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You've been awesome since day one and I'm so thankful that not only you're here, but also that you're nearly a year quit!  Only a few short weeks and you'll be back in the states with your man.  Lots of good things on the horizon.  :)

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This was really good for me to read today.  Thank you for posting it.  Congratulations (and have fun on your trip).

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