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7 Months - in a few minutes...

It still makes me smile. I posted up, on a site about 7/8 sites down from the top result as I'd already signed on to all the prior ones in my million quit attempts!! Never posted mind, and couldn't be bothered to try and remember the password! Found a new one, had no idea why as had not planned to do anything but I read a bit and posted! I posted of my intention to quit the following day (had no clue if I could or couldn't actually lol), that I lived with smokers who smoked in my house...it was a moment of either bravery or stupidity...and people answered me....


A real diverse set of answers may I add. I got agro at one, someone telling me to get on with it, wtf, who are you...erm, he was a successful non smoker :) The rest were very supportive I hasten to add lol. One became a very precious commodity to me, a quit buddy of my very own :)


I couldn't imagine managing a day...far less a week...far less a month...here, 7 months was a distant dream!! All the people who "just knew" I really admire you!! My plan was fake it till you make it!! Be loud, be proud and yada yada.


Then Bandito said it's easy, don't put something in your mouth and set it on fire. It had been said a million times by a million people but what struck me was the simplicity of the message and that someone had bothered with me. They didn't know my relapse record of course "relapse legend", I had been trying to quit from July through to the following March! Mostly not making one day! I had been every smoker in that time, social, evening, weekend, when the kids were in bed...never non. I didn't really understand non smoker or how to get there. The one thing I was is the woman really tired of trying!! Really clueless how to get from where I was to where I wanted to be, free of smoking.


I am so pleased that I trusted this gang. I am so pleased because it has brought more to my life then I ever thought possible! I won't bore again with lines of self worth and non agressive pride, nor an opportunity and an acceptance to just be myself. I will say this in case anyone reads though. The acceptance as just being a quitter and being taken seriously for that was enough that I wanted to know more and this board makes me proud to be a part of it. This board sustained my quit so many times. Either with individuals or just reading genereally. So do post!! You never know who is reading what you write, relating and going oh thank goodness!!


Late 6 months saw another wobble but one I knew was trigger related and I never accepted the smoking thoughts. I took steps when I started to romance to talk to a friend that I had from here, and it was gone within hours.


This time 7 months ago I smoked my last cigarette. I didn't know it would be my last. I had plans for a fond farewell the following day which I regard as my actual quit date but I woke and couldn't do it. In one post you guys made me a non smoker!! It has not been plain sailing, I'm ok with that now. I got to the same end game, quit and free. I couldn't be happier!

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Love it Marti ! I'm so happy for you, and so very glad I found this board and these great people.

Congratulations :)

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So very happy for you, Marti....and be very proud that you have saved lives...

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Marti-Congratulations ! As anyone would declare on this Forum:  7 Months is an awesome accomplishment. Your posts been a big boost for me.

Pauly Boy

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Thanks for sharing Marti -very proud of you - you deserve to be proud of yourself and the fact that you were able to turn a concept into a reality for yourself is incredible. I am so happy I found this family as well - without it I am not sure if I would have been able to maintain my own quit. Reading posts such as yours and others just helps many people reiterate why we are here. So thanks for being you and for the love and support you have shown all of us. Congrats!

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