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Welcome to the board, Ex smoker!  How about starting a thread in the Introduction and About Us forum and telling us a little more about yourself and your quit?  So glad you found us!

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Hello Ex smoker!!


Congratulations on your great decision to start a blog!  I agree with Nancy, it would be great if you made a post to introduce yourself!

Still winning


Great job!!  Never quit quitting :)  Today is a fabulous day to stop the awful merry go round and just decide - this is it - no more -I only have to face it once if I just decide it stops now.


Don't overthink, get water, and a distraction plan and if you do get a crave, distract yourself, sips of water, jump on the spot, whatever works for you and they ALWAYS pass and you quit grows stronger for knowing you'll deal with it and not give in. The head noise soon gets quieter.


Agree with Nancy, be great to see a thread from you on the intro section. Not everyone checks the blogs and we would all love to support you as much as we can. xx

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Don't forget, quitting smoking isn't all toil and strife.


Have fun on your splendid journey,


the Freedom is awe inspiring.


 N O P E   






hi ex smoker welcome to the clan :)


look forward to sharing our journeys together

Devil Doll


Hello and welcome ex smoker! Congratulations I am looking forward to reading your journey. 



Hi ex smoker and welcome

Nicole Diver


Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more about you and your quit.

Ex smoker


Day Two. Keep going and don't let your mind play tricks on you. Give yourself one year of being free. If you don't like it, then go back but try it for one year.

Nicole Diver


Before I quit I told myself I could start smoking again when I hit 60. Stupid huh! Now I know I'll not go back to the slavery.

Ex smoker


the best got hold of me and I blew it. :-( I will not give up. Day one again in the morning. I will not give up. I want to stop this nasty habit forever

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one step at a time, one day at a time you can do this :)

Ex smoker


Day 2 of not smoking. This isn't really that bad once I made my mind up not to do this anymore. Feeling quite good.

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Ex smoker


remember this foggy feeling in your head. you will never have to go through this again if you never take another puff. Don't smoke today and give yourself a chance again.

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Ex smoker


day 2 done and looking forward to day 3. Only 24 more hours and I'll be free of nicotine. :) from there on out it's all a mental game.

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Day 3 today, Ex, and just like YOU said,



     " Don't smoke today and give yourself a chance again."



You are doing GREAT, listen to yourself,



      " This isn't really that bad once I made my mind up not to do this anymore. Feeling quite good."



Hang tough, N O P E + N O P E + N O P E.


You are going to LOVE your freedom.





Be sure to read this thread  and add your own experience, it will help more quitters.



Still winning


Nearly nicotine free my friend. Let the freedom and good times roll on in. x

Ex smoker


hour by hour, I will not smoke. Remember how this feels cause you'll never have to go thru it again if you just don't take one puff. no such thing as one cigarette. you'll want all the ones that go behind it. you've done this too many times, not this time. Just don't smoke today. this hour. Get past this one cigarette and see it for what it really is.

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hour by hour, I will not smoke. Remember how this feels cause you'll never have to go thru it again if you just don't take one puff. no such thing as one cigarette. you'll want all the ones that go behind it. you've done this too many times, not this time. Just don't smoke today. this hour. Get past this one cigarette and see it for what it really is.

That's perfect, Ex smoker! Exactly right! I'm so impressed with you. You've got this quit!

Ex smoker


I made it thru today and am now officially with no nicotine in my body. Now for the mental aspect of the quit to rear its ugly head.  Today was a challenge and if I can do today then I can do anyday.  embracing day 4.


note: I contemplated taking a gum or lozenger to help take the edge off of today but I kept waiting 5 minutes, one hour, 10 more minutes and found that all i had to do was keep the patience and reaffirm to my junkie mind that I am no longer a smoker.andI dont need nicotine in any form. and I didnt die. I survived. more proof that I can beat this.: )

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Still winning


That is exactly how it's done. No over thinking, just take it day by day right down to minute by minute when we need to.


Our body never NEEDED nicotine to survive, it was ADDICTED to it. Big difference. You are doing great. x

Ex smoker


remember this day. this is the first day of the rest of your life with no nicotine in your body and you never have to subject yourself to that kind of poison again. the choice is yours. celebrate the freedom and suck in the fresh clean air. your body has waited a long time for this day. you are rocking this quit. :)

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Ex smoker


having stupid crazy thoughts. it seems the fog has lifted and reality is setting in. mixed emotions but its just a phase. work thru it and dont go back to where you started. you can and will do this. leave the house and go somewhere. refocus

Ex smoker


note to self. dont shave the dog when craving for a smoke. not a good combination

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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