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I havent really been on much as ive had a lot of stuff goin on. Some good. Some bad and some truely ugly! But... im still smoke free and stil declaring to myself on a daily basis to keep up NOPE. So im now on day 23 and i can honestly say that nothing has felt as good as this achievement in a very long time. Im findin the strength to change other aspects on my life, so i initially started this to quit smoking, but all of a sudden im findin alot of my life is changin for the better and i didnt even realise or expect it. I didnt realise just how much smoking controlled my life and wat i did/how i spent my days. Im truely feelin the benefits and am finding that actually, im coping alot better than i did wen i was smoking... lots of positives have come out of this. I NEVER want to go back....

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Still winning


I'm sorry you're going through some bad stuff sam. It is very true our quit gives us back inner strength and self worth. It becomes an entitiy in it's own right that we will literally fight to save. Good work on the mindset. xx

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Nicole Diver


1 week to the day after we quit smoking my hub was let go of his job of like 7? years.

Perfect "excuse" to "quit another day," but by then I'd done so much research and committed myself so fully that I knew there was no going back.  I texted him, "Whatever you do, don't smoke."


Life is not always a bowl of cherries, but problems are sooo much harder to deal with as a smoker.  Because you always have 2 problems then, your problem at hand, and the problem that you are an addict.


You have the right mindset Sammie!  You are doing so well.

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You are inspirational, sammie.  A lot to learn from you.

You have quit smoking with so much grace...love it.


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I like your blogs - I think they are helpful to everybody, including people that haven't even read them yet. You really have a strong quit growing here!

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Thanks guys! This site is amazing and it really does help! I had no idea that i could do this as well as i have done, but i no that readin all ur kind words and encouragements keeps me goin also! Im on day 28 and im never goin to look back! Im so proud of myself, i really never thought i could get this far, but also im proud that my daughter is proud! This has made such a big change to my life xxx

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