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“What if” I was still smoking?

The last few weeks I have been thinking “What if I was still smoking” and the only answer I can come up with is I may not be here today. I wish I quit sooner but am so glad I did when I did.


I have been dealing with some health issues lately and I know a lot has to do with smoking and also heredity. My cholesterol was extremely high and for the past 7 months I have been working on getting that lowered. And the last several weeks my blood pressure started to become dangerously high (208/123) was told by my physician that if I have any chest pains to get myself to the ER. Guess what? I found myself in the ER with chest pains last Monday. The good thing was I was not having a heart attack and all the doctors could tell me was at this time your heart is good but more test are needed. So now I just sit and wait for the phone calls with test dates and times. It’s a good thing I work for a cardiologist as he has been talking me through thing.


This is not what I thought I would be posting on my ONE Year anniversary smoke free. But despite all this this has been one on the best years.


This year of not smoking has not been easy but it has been easier than I thought it would be.


So in closing I would like to say a big thanks to everyone. Even though I read more than I posted I learned so much from everyone.

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Still winning


I am sorry your one year anni sees you facing this uncertain time. It is amazing what they can do with medication nowadays so concentrate on getting those tests done so you can carry on enjoying your smoke free life and happy anniversary anyway, who knows the place it would be today if you hadn't quit. Fingers crossed for speedy results my lovely. x

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So happy for your one year...it might have been much worse if you were still smoking...hope the tests get it all sorted out quickly...

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Please god it will be nothing serious, wishing for good health for you but really well done on your year, fantastic achievement. Who knows if you hadn't quit when you did mondays ER visit would probably have been a hell of alot more serious xxx

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I'm really sorry to hear this Sandy, but I'm so glad that didn't stop you reaching your one year - you can only be in a better place because of it. If you ever need to talk. Then I'm hear. Prayers be with you.

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Hi- I really admire you. You are reinforcing for me the idea that,

there is no good reason to smoke, to pick up, again! Remember

when you had my time, counting days? Posts like yours are

so encouraging to me. Of course, I am dismayed to hear of your

medical problems, so I hope that gets straightened out.

Congrats on one solid year of not smoking.


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"What if" you were still smoking when you had to go to the ER with chest pains? Even if the chest pains turned out not to be a heart attack, wouldn't you have felt like a darn fool for continuing to smoke??!!


At least now, you can hold your head up and know that you took what steps you could a year ago to improve your health. That's got to be a good feeling, isn't it?

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Damn, that would have scared the pants off me. 

So glad you are Smoke FREE !!

Hang in there...you have so much to celebrate !

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Congratulation again on one year! 

You know things would of been worse if you had still been smoking!

Keep on doing what you are doing and i'm sure this time next you, you will be dancing!

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