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Dodging bullets metaphorically

I'm just glad to still be smoke free.


So to quote something quoted to me my someone who was quoting someone else.....


Sometimes I want to murder my husband with an axe.

But I don't because I'm not an axe murderer.




Sometimes I want to smoke but I don't

Because I'm a non-smoker!!!




Thanks quoter. You know who you are.


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Recommended Comments

Nicole Diver


I like this way of thinking!

I'd pry go the poison route...(jk)

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Still winning


About quitting. Baffled told me it's perfectly acceptable to feel batshit crazy, especially against your partner, however don't kill em in case you like em after the non smoking dust has settled :)  Of course she said it more eloquently haha. You're doing great Holski. I feel for you as I've been where you are but you are letting it make you stronger! The wobble was only a wobble, you righted yourself and these are the times that make our quit more solid, more real and I am happy you are through that. Happy to see you almost at a quarter of a year. xx

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you did great hols


keep holding on and thats how its done


weable wobble but we dont fall down x

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