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Bye bye, Sis



My sister just left for the airport to go home. I did NOT fight with her this week. I did NOT smoke. Hooray for both of us!


Basically, we stayed out of each other's way. We took different shifts staying with Mom at the hospital. During the few hours that we were in the same house, we stayed in different rooms and ate different meals at different times. We spoke as often as necessary about Mom's condition and care and other than that we had nothing to say to each other. A sad state of affairs for sisters but surely better than the tension and screaming fights we have had in the past.


Mom's condition is improving. She was really hit hard by the surgical anesthesia and was semi-comatose for the first 36 hours. Because she was laying in bed for so long being completely inert and non-responsive, my sister and I began to be concerned about her developing pneumonia (the #1 killer of elderly hospitalized patients). So Friday night I stayed in her room all night and woke her up every 2 hours by rubbing ice water on her face so that she would wake up enough to breathe deeply and cough up any accumulated fluids. She got really mad at me for doing that but too bad. It worked. By Saturday afternoon she was awake enough to use that spirometer-thingy to get her lungs functioning so I was happy.


Her vital signs are good. She's getting some early PT and hopefully will be able to transfer to a rehab hospital near her home on Monday or Tuesday. I'm telling you, this is one tough old bird! My sister and I did share a laugh the other day when we were marveling at our mother's toughness. We began to speculate that the only thing that would kill Mom would be a stake through her heart! Life is strange. At 92 with many serious injuries and disabilities and the loss of most friends and many loved ones, my mother has said many times that she is "ready to go". And yet each time the opportunity to die presents itself (like 3 heart attacks, a broken neck and now this surgery), she fights her way through it. I guess her life force is still strong in her. It's fascinating to watch.


So I'm still in Tampa until Mom gets settled in a rehab facility. But I'm relieved about Mom's condition, relieved that I didn't fight with my sister, and relieved that I didn't smoke. Basically, just relieved all around! :) Thank you all for being there for me and thank you for your good wishes and your prayers. You really helped me to weather some of the rough times this past week. Hugs to all of you fine people

((( :wub: QT Friends!! :wub: )))

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Wow.  Great news, Chrysalis.  

Very good the Two Sisters kept their distance and kept Mother FIRST.

You must be exhausted.  Make sure you eat something decent and try to get a good nights sleep.

Hooray for your Mom...she sounds like she is a powerhouse.

Keep your NOPE on, baby.



  • Like 3
Nicole Diver


Sounds like it went as well as it could have. Your mom is lucky to have you.

You are handling things beautifully.

  • Like 2


So good to hear this!  You've handled this emergency like a Rock Star and not only has your relationship with your sister not been adversely affected but you've helped your Mom to recover and made your quit stronger because of it all!  Proud of you!  Continuing to send prayers up for your family.  xx

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Now that's how it's done Chrys!

  • Like 1
Still winning


So happy the worst is over my friend. Please make sure you are also looking after yourself as well. Love to you both and congrats on a personal battle overcome. xx

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Devil Doll


Wow Chrysalis you handled the whole situation beautifully and I hope that you are proud of yourself. 

My thoughts are still with your mother for a full and speedy recovery. 

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wow what a great outcome in the circumstances, wishing mum a speedy recovery x

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Chrys, you sound like a great daughter - your mother is very lucky to have you :wub:


Take care, and speak soon!



My sister came down this weekend. We have a "24 hour" rule. We can love each other that long, and then one of us has to go. After the 24 hours, we just don't like each other much anymore.


We went and got a pedicure together, my first. Had a great time with her. Then she took a picture of our sparkly toes (mine were sparklier!) That parenthetical gives a clue to part of our sisterly issues. lol!


Family; go figure. Glad it went as well as it could for you and your mom is hanging in there, Chrys.

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