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Good time to vent!!

Florida in the summer is NOT my favorite place, regardless of which coast (I'm near Tampa). Mom was admitted to the hospital today for presurgical testing and, barring any problems, surgery is Thursday. Then several days of waiting to see how her body handled the surgery. She is very frightened (when we left the house to go to the hospital she said, "Good bye, house." like she was never going to see it again. UGH!)


My estranged sister arrived this afternoon (not good news). Even worse, she quit smoking last year but has now relapsed. So between the smoke and the cigarettes laying around, the temptation is worse. DOUBLE UGH!!


I know that there are plenty of people here who quit while their spouse continues (and my hat is off to you all) so this is just another excuse for my junkie brain to latch on to. But, brother, a smoker in the house is NOT something I need this week!!!


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Double crap! I really wish all the best for your mum prayers and everything crossed for her


as for sister go take a whiff of stale clothes, oh yuk nothing worse


try and flip it in your head, something I do when at bars I sit and watch them smoke, l look close at the skin and then just watch and pity her/him


after the initial I could just. ... this brings me out if it


hang onto the rope hun, whatever it takes xxxx

Still winning


Wow, that sounds really intense hun ((Chrysalis)). Your poor mum and poor you too. xx


Sister smoking, use it to re-inforce your choice, your fight for freedom will not be marred by a sister who will cough and splutter and stink of stale smoke while being financially worse off. Don't over think it, she smokes, you don't.





aww..that really sucks Chrys.  Seeing my sister smoke this weekend was one thing - but listening to her cough half the night and into the next morning was another. 

I know your sister is "estranged" but pity her because she smokes. If she continues, she won't be enjoying the healthy life you have :)

Keeping you and mom in my thoughts. Speedy recovery for mom! 



Well, it won't be hard associating smoking with Evil

with your Evil Sister puffing about. 

Burning candles for Mother.  

Keep us posted and NOPE it hard.



Sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time Chrys...!


Prayers for your mother, and I know that you will be able to resist any urges brought about by your sisters smoking.  Of course, we are here if you need us - vent away!

Devil Doll


I hope that everything is going well with your mother Chrysalis. I am sorry that you have to deal with a smoker on top of everything. I am sending you positive thoughts and strength. 

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