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day 4 - feeling powerful (and wonderful!!)

im LOVING this site! i check in a few times a day and someone has always left an encouraging comment etc and it just spurs me on. so far im on day 4 and im doing cold turkey< so far it dont really feel like that! to be able to even just get this far feels amazing! i know its only 4 days, i know i have a long way to go, but im celebrating EVERY min that passes cos thats money i have saved, some of my life expectancy is improving and i dont smell like an ashtray everytime my daughter wants a hug! inside im having a party and i cant stop smiling! there is sooo much more to quitting than just money and physical health, its great for your mental health too!

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I like I like.  

when I hit the like button this pops up "an error occurred (in orange) there was a problem storing your reputation vote"

my reputation is shot to hell anyway, tee hee hee.

But, back to the good biz at hand....so inspired watching your journey, Sammie.  Very, very cool.

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It's a great gift you give yourself.

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Another day in the pocket,  Sammie.

I fought triggers today by remembering NOPE, and breathing clean and deep.

NOPE-ly yours,


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Still winning


Wow Sam, you're flying!! :)


Told ya this site was awesome, but how can you explain the support without feeling it. Enjoying reading your blog. Remember if you want more interaction post on the main boards, everyone loves hearing from others and are here on this board to support and also get support. 


Is your cough going?  By the way, don't worry too much if your sleeping goes a bit wonky for a few days at some point, it levels out pretty quick. xx

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Hahahaha past 2 nights ive had the most bizarre dreams lol just horrible lol but i dont care cos im stil wakin up feelin good and positive with a smile on my face. My friend sent me a text yesterday askin me how i was doin. I told her it was goin great and asked her if she was thinkin of quittin also. She said she wanted to but needed somethin to focus on. I told her, u do have something to focus on and its always been there, and that is YOU. Every puff u take ur a step closer to ill health and possibly dyin. Whilst each puff u move away from is ur life returnin to u! If u cant quit for urself then u wil never succeed!!

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Still winning


Lol, you'll be a crazy reformed smoker too :)  Go careful with the advice thing, it can alienate some people, best is to let people and let them ask you questions I found. x

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She did ask marti so i told her how I felt lol

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