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My New Non-Smoking Home



So, I have found a new home that I feel very comfortable at. The Quittrain is such a kind and encouraging place. I look forward to making new friends, and am so glad to see recent friends from another place.


It has been such a great struggle to get through these almost last three months without smoking a real cigarette. Most of the time I'm okay with no craves. But there are times that those craves become so great and strong, I want to rip my hair out and scream at the top of my lungs because I hate feeling them. I've been through a lot of anxiety and struggles over these months, and I'm really proud of myself for not giving in and going back to nastiness.


I hope I can offer help and encouragement to all those seeking that help here at this forum. I love people and communicating, and if I have a word of wisdom or advice that can possibly make a difference in someone's life, then I feel I've done good.

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What a great blog.  I can already see that you are going to fit in beautifully here - I think you were destined to find us :)

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Started back to exercising yesterday.  It's been a while.  I used to do Zumba 4 days a week, walk around the neighborhood, lift weights.  When the gym I went to (was literally less than 5 minutes away) closed, I stopped exercising.  That was almost 2 years ago now.  Wow.  So, back I go.  Doing some aerobics from youtube videos at home.  Hooked my computer up to the TV and away I went!  Starting slow, but 30 minutes was enough.  A little sore today from squats, but it's okay.  No pain no gain right?  I forgot just how energizing exercise can be.  Before too long I know I will look at it again as something I really need as my body will crave it.  For right now, I really have to force myself, but I'm determined.

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I worked out like a maniac for a long time, but as I got older and my diabetes progressed more, I became rather sedentary.  I do a lot around the house and yard work, but I know it doesn't equal what exercise can do for you.


Today was somewhat of a long day.  But it was productive so I feel good about it.  Thank goodness the craves weren't really existent today.  I really like days like that.  As 3 months approaches, it gets easier and easier.  

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This weekend is turning out to be quite lovely.  Spent time with my sister, niece, daughters, great nephew and great niece Saturday.  Was a lovely day to be with family.


This Sunday (today) I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the beautiful sunshine, the low humidity, and the sound of dogs barking and children laughing in the neighborhood.  This is what living is all about!


Now, I need to get back to cleaning my abode so I can relax the rest of the day.  Good day to all of you here at QT!  Feeling strong and empowered without a nasty cigarette ruining my day.

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Today I want to start my day with some things that I am very grateful for:


1.  My Faith in God

2.  My Family; I have such a loving husband, two beautiful daughters, two faithful fur babies (Tinker and Belle), my Dad, my Sisters, My Nieces, Nephews, Great Niece and Great Nephew, Brother-in-Law too!  My wonderfully dearly departed Mom (who I miss so very much every single second of every single day).

3.  My Job and my boss.

4.  My friends

5.  The new found strength I have found in myself.


Without all of the above, I would never have been able to put down the cigarettes and get on with my life as a non-smoker.  I still have far to go, but I have faith that all of the above will keep me on the track to better health, longer life, and a lifetime of joy.


Thank you to all who contribute to my quit.  

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So, after a very anxious filled and horrible night on another quit smoking site, I have decided that "there is no place like home."  I cannot even fathom any new quitter that did not quit cold turkey being put through the absolute wringer the way the other site puts you through.  God, don't EVER mention an e-cig either.  You will be persecuted!  I'm still so angry because of the censorship and deletion or hiding of threads and posts by the admins or owners of this other site.  I will not mention the name here, but pray that no one finds it anymore because they are so biased it isn't even funny.  I'm still shaking from the fight that went on last evening.  I cannot allow this in my life.  If anything were to lead me to relapse, that conversation last evening would be it.

But, I will stay close to quittrain because I have found acceptance and love here.  Thank you from the top, middle, and bottom of my heart for your support and encouragement.  As I celebrate my 3 months free of smoking and cigarettes.  I Love all of you for being kind.  

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So, I have to say that I feel pretty solid in my quit, even though I have been going through some very heavy emotional rollercoasters lately.  I don't know if it is hormonal or what, but I've been all over the place, feeling down, sad, depressed, and crying a lot.  I have ups and downs with my feelings about being a diabetic and the struggles that are sometimes a daily thing with my blood sugar, and of course with my weight issues that seems to be ongoing for the majority of my life.  However, the other evening I was talking to a very close friend (who also happened to be my very first boyfriend, first kiss, and first "love" when I was 13 years old) and discovered that he has pancreatic cancer and has approximately 6 months left.  This man and I were very close friends all through junior high and high school, and kept in contact until he got married and moved away.  We hadn't spoken or seen each other in about 32 years, and I happened to find him on Facebook one day.  I sent him a message and he sent me his phone number.  We've been communicating again for over a year now, and it is like we picked right back up on our friendship where it left off back when.  

Now after all that time and always wondering where he was and what he was doing, we finally reconnect only to find that I'm going to lose him once again.  Keep in mind this was my very first love, and to some degree, he owns that little place in my heart forever.  I love my husband very much, and he is very aware of all this and is accepting.  I thank God for him everyday because he is such a wonderful man.  

If there were going to be a time of great stress that would cause me to relapse, this would be a winner.  But, I realized today that I haven't even thought about smoking through all this.  I can honestly say that my heart is heavy with the knowledge that this person who is my forever friend and special friend will cease to be here in this world.  I haven't even gotten to see him again; just have talked.  He lives in another state.  He has suffered some horrible traumatic events in his life, and I just want to hug him and tell him everything will be okay.  But, I will never get the chance to do that now.  

I ask all those who read my blog to please say a prayer for this man because he is worthy of our thanks and comfort.  This man served in the military as an Air Force Mechanic, and was involved in a horrific helicopter accident that nearly killed him.  He does suffer from PTSD from that terrible accident, and overall is a good man and loving man.

Thanks to anyone who read this.  I just needed to get this out there so it isn't sitting inside my head bouncing around.  

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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