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Week 2Q



Has it really been 2 weeks? This past week has flown by!

I am feeling very strong in my quit :)


This past week I reduced my Chantix to 1 dose in the morning, as the nausea in the evening was bad.

So I am taking just the 1 pill in the morning and noticing no difference. If anything changes, I will go right back to the full dose.


I have said it before, but will say it again. This quit feels so different than any other before. The fear of failure is just not here. I will never smoke again, but I know enough to never let my guard down in any situation.And at just 2 weeks I run the risk of sounding over-confident. There is just NO reason for me to ever pick up that disgusting habit again. Once I realized smoking did absolutely NOTHING for me; it's become so easy to NOPE.

And if I should run into trouble - I know I can come to this board and find the encouragement (or kick in the butt) to set me straight!

I love this place :)

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I don't think you are being over confident to accept smoking does nothing for you. This is why we suggest educating ourself, you did it before so I just think you were ready... and that's great!!  Don't doubt yourself is my message here. It's great to be sure now, others were sure pretty quick (Bakon, sarge spring to mind) and their quits are solid. xx

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