Been a while
Not updated as not much to report to be honest.
I'm almost 5 months, as it's the 2nd I know that's in 10 days, but mostly I don't really remember how long it's been since I quit. That feels massively ironic as at stages there I was counting in minutes, at a push days. Months seemed totally unrealistic and I smile to think back.
It turns out 4 is my new magic number. Since the actual day I turned 4 months quit I have honestly felt great! That particular day was a dark one on the emotional front and through it all I never even considered smoking which I didn't even realize until the next day. I haven't since then either.
I am fairly sure this steady movement forward (not that it always felt like that!) is in great part because of my interaction here. When I post that it will get better, I mean it does get better and I want you to hold on! As a fantastic by product though it reminds me of where I was and never will be again - thus my quit is also reinforced.
I understand how people start to drop off the radar on the board at my stage of the quit. I have nothing very clever to say to people quitting nor do I have very much to post about. However, I also still have people around who are not quit from this board - but I absolutely know they will and I want to be here to see the great moments :) Hey perhaps I'm just nosy haha.
My epic journey continues and less then 3 months until my Florida trip with my family which was a contributor to why I quit. Laughable now, I wish I had of understood and not hidden my head in the sand for so long before quitting. Still what's done is done and I only look forward now.
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