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Today's Adventure and Challenge!

Ok, so today will be my first challenge and I am looking forward to it. I am going out to play in a corn hole tournament which is bizzarre due to the fact that I am from the NOrth and would rather play horseshoes. Any way it will be the first time out in a bar setting where I may end up having a drink (not sure if it is a trigger but guessing it could be) I am Irish though so can't go cold turkey on 2 things at once HAHA!


Anyway I am planning on having just as much fun witout the nasty little bugger anywhere near my lungs. I am closing in on 3 days not smoking but my mind is stronger then ever because of this site and the handy app on my phone I check to follow my progress.


Where was technology 7 years ago when I tried this in the past.


NOPE! for me even at a bar with a drink in one hand tonight! I will prevail.


My update since I still do not know how to get a banner on this thing:


2 days, 16 hours, 30 minutes, 39 seconds, 53 cigarettes not smoked, $12.06 saved and 5 hours, 22 minutes time saved!!

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You are doing great at day 2! But please don´t drop your guard regarding drinks.


I´ve no idea what horseshoes or cornholes are.... I know about corns on feet, and holes on... never mind. As long as neither you nor me smoke tonight... the world will be right and happy.


Keep it up!

Nicole Diver


Have fun but keep in the forefront of your mind that not smoking is #1 priority right now.

We're here for you anytime you need us!



Thanks for the support and yes I just got back from the tournament that was at the bar and about 15 or so out of the 20 of us playing were all drinking and smoking like crazy.  I am very happy and proud to say that I never even considered having even one puff-  NOPE for me!!!

I didn't even have a drink I had nothing but water and fun - I drove home smiling! 

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Way to remain smoke free!

You are doing great. You're a non smoker!

I bet you can't wait for your family to be home and notice.




Things going well - Thanks for thinking about me! This is a great site for support and as a reminder of why I chose to close the smoking chapter in my life for good.


Almost at the end of first week but no temptations at all.. so I guess that is good.



A cornhole tournament, yep like Susana said got no idea what that is either!  Do you throw corn in a hole???  Be careful with the alcohol though, no matter what protect your quit.  Keep at it, before you know it, it will be one week, then a month and soon a year!

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