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Gonna get through this week, smoke free!

OK, so I am moving this week. On Friday 8/1 and Saturday 8/2 to be more specific.

I still have packing to do and my little one is acting out. He isn't taking this move as well as the last. I'm sure because he is older, etc. etc. etc.

Trying to keep my cool. I want to be able to look back at this and laugh, just like I do at previous adventures.

However, I am pretty stressed. Deep breaths alot and more than the usual amount of cupcakes.

It will be nice to be settled again so putting 1 foot in front of the other.

Also, just keep swimming comes to mind. :)

Just keep swimming...just keep swimming......


Back to work now.

:wacko: :)

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I think after this you need to buy yourself a little something. What do you like?

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Still winning


Moving is always tough holski....agree with beacon, get a treat plan in place for moving all people (happy or otherwise) in one piece.  It doesn't sound like you've hit the desperation stage of throw it all in a box and sort it the other end...so you've still got this and are calm :)  


When you get to that stage, focus on the end game, getting in there and sitting down and yes, just keep swimming. xx

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Moving is an event, and after a few days, you will start to be settled and feel at home in your new place. No one likes moving, but everyone likes the feeling after it's done ;)

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Keep swimming!


And give me a shout if you need help with the packing!


Can I bring a bottle of wine with me? ;-)



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Thinking of you and sending you strength... mental and physical... for the packing and moving.


You can do it! Let us know when the housewarming party is :-)

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