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Sometimes it's still hard and emotional

Still winning


I don't take failure well. I don't take pointing out or twisting my flaws well.It stillpushes my buttons. Not SOS now but I find it harder when people piss me off. I understand how I gave up a year quit when I feel upset. I won't, cause nothing is worth it but blimey. It's been tough isall.


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Martine Louise are you shi*ting me, you lead, that is what you do - who will you lead with smoking, shall we give Milly or Bella the first cigarette. It will never be ok to be this addict, it is not who you are, you cannot heal people and help people as an addict. Now man the fu*k up and lead like you were born to do. And hugs, you are strong enough to do this no matter what you are facing this moment!  If you doubt yourself go listen to a COPD cough, or read on lung cancer that stole your beloved peter. No more shoulda, coulda, woulda...if I want it I do it...Nathan 2008. Now stop being such a donut! xx

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I totally get where you are Marti but when the blood cools down you will have your hands on the handlebars again vent vent vent it takes the sting out the moment xx

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When people piss me off it surprises me that I am not wearing orange and needing an attorney. We are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. You have got this, girl! 

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Was trying to manage myself but goodness this is harsh.I wish I knew as much as everyone else does on my life and how I should raise my children. jeez. Nothing like calling you a shit mum to make your buttons explode.

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It's ok. Nothing but nothing will make me go back to that place. It won't help and I only wish something could but it is what it is hey.

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Other people can STFU.

I'm sorry whatever is bothering you.

You are doing wonderfully with your quit and

the best revenge is doing well!


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I really must pay attention to these blogs..I kind of forget they are here.


Marti, or can I call you 'CrapMum'?


We can only ever take responsibility for our own actions - our own feelings. Doing that is tough enough. I try to remind myself that I cannot take responsibility for other peoples thoughtless comments or downright stupidity. Easy to say, I know, but just let it wash over you.

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Thank you all. Had over an hour of button pushing conversation which set off a big trigger. I knew I wouldn't smoke, but had to get it out, this seemed the safest way for me. xx

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Marti right behind you on this one, sometimes its still difficult and emotional and that makes it worse, but we are made of stronger stuff and we can kick the nicotines BIG BAD BUTT xxx

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