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Bummer deal. I could stay in bed all day. Literally.

I. Don't. Want. To. Do. Anything.

Catch 22.

I know that getting up and moving and doing stuff would help.

However, I don't want to get up and do stuff.

Imagine the biggest sigh ever that echos through the trees...

That will be me.


Tomorrow I will force myself.


Recommended Comments

Nicole Diver


I know what you mean, completely.

Go easy on yourself, you don't have to save the world right now, you just have to not smoke.

I found, once I wasn't smoking anymore, everything else got just a little easier to deal with.  Before I always had the problem at hand, and the problem of addiction. Now it's just the problem at hand.


You are doing great :)

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Relax and Rest :)

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Holski, I feel for you. :( Depression consumed me for months after my mom passed away. 


Like Ava/Jen said, just take it easy on yourself. Rest and relax. Deep breaths. Know that things will be okay.


Virtual hugs.  

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You can do it Holski...  

it took me a pretty long time to feel like my head was above water too.. you will get there!!!

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Still winning




Have a wallow day babe, that's ok. Tomorrow's another day and we pick ourselves up and dust our arses down and attack. Take it day by day.


Believe in yourself too, you are actually already doing it!!

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