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Today Tuesday get off your arse and stop feeling sorry for myself. I think it is because I quit smoking because it's a money thing. At $22.20 for a pkt of 25 it adds up over one every day. New Zealand dollar is 86c to your dollar so you know what I mean. $159.60 a week that's 638.40 a month. I have to make myself think of the health benefits

I am re-reading Alan Carr's Easyway this week. Let's hope it sinks in. In the mean time I keep feeling sorry for myself and I am loosing nothing. I am just telling myself off this morning as I am procrastinating and not wanting to do normal life.


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Smoking is just horrible. You were paying 638.40 a month to effectively shorten your life, all the while the nicotine tells you that you actually 'enjoy' it. It is one big sick joke, and you are so lucky to be rid of it!!

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My last quit, for 4 months I felt sorry for myself all the time like I'd given up something. I know it sounds cheesy, but at least at first, when you wake up in the morning, do the old Carr trick and say to yourself "yippee! I'm a non smoker!"

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Sounds like a bootstrap and whyquit moment to me Gabby.  There is no romance in a cigarette my friend, that shit will kill you... literally...real painful it's looking from here too. Too not smoke is not at all painful physically.  Please my friend, really work on seeing some positives, financial yes but maybe one more per day??  No matter how big or small. Make yourself write one good thing about quitting every time you post or blog or something?  Loving your devotion to this quit though, good work Gabby. 



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hang in there gabby it so worth it smoking is one deadly thing we can all do without  your doing great  keep  at it   fight for your right to live   wtg

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