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So Close to a Cigarette today

Long working day for me on a Thursday, have not thought about smoking at work at all and dont miss it, until today. We have a new Service Control Manager that has started, young 23, adorable, and today he kept disappearing for 5 to 10 mins at a time, yuuup a smoker!! I challenged him today, could smell it all the time, all the receptors pinged in my brain, arggghhh no not now, told him I had stopped over 4 months ago, and his reply "give into the crave," WTF....took out his packet of cigarettes and handed me one. I think I must have been catching flies the way my mouth just fell open, I have not looked at or held a cigarette for so long and here I had one in my hand, just right there, in my hand!! For all of 10 seconds I thought and then calmly said "No you are OK I am a non smoker" and gave it him back, and told him my aim was to get him to see sense and to stop smoking. But for that short space of time, being so close to a cigarette, boy was I tempted.


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Wow, you were polite Jackie... I probably would have hit him...


Good job not smoking though!

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Still winning


"give into the crave"?! Dos he think he's clever or something.  Don't you bloody dare follow that imbeciles advice! Of course I know you won't but Jackie can you say something to him about being appropriate?  Or accidently on purpose trip him up?!  xx

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he felt bad as he hasn`t done what you have done - I bet when he walked away he admired you and if he did not - then he is a total tool!


good for you for being strong jackie - very proud of you x

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We are addicts, there is no such thing as one. He could have been handing you ten thousand smokes. Next time he tries that stunt drop his cigarette in the bin (trash) and when he retrieves it, and he will, tell him nicotine has enslaved him so much that he'll smoke things straight from the bin (trash). Nicotine owns his ass.

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Well done, Jackie!  What a jackass!

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Nicole Diver


Great job!

Tons of ppl at my hb's job smoke and they made comments to him for the longest time to the effect of he was going to start again anyway so may as well be now. Cigs are EXPENSIVE, the only reason smokers want to give them away is so they don't feel so bad about themselves.

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Devil Doll


Oh gosh Jackie I would have punched him. You are my hero for not committing an assault and for not smoking! 

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Thank goodness you didn't take him up on the crappy offer....good choice Jackie and you never know you might influence him to stop too, hopefully.



wtg Jackie im so proud you didn't give in yes   your a superstar  shine baby shine

queen greenlover


So glad you gave him back his cig. Hopefully that boss will quit soon & not wait 20 yrs to do so,

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