happy annniversary to me :)
Happy 10 month anniversary to me!
I wrote this in my anniversary thread and wanted to remember it forever, so I'll post it here. :)
Thanks so much everyone!!!
Quite honestly, this has been a tough month or two for me. The change of seasons and some personal issues have led to some major cravings. I have driven around the gas stations on more than one occasion and sat in a parking lot across the street from a pack of smokes just a few days ago. I almost totally lost it! Fortunately, I was on my way somewhere, so was able to hold myself together. I reminded myself of the words from a kind friend that smoking would do nothing for me. I reminded myself of all the nasty things that smoking does, how awful it tastes, how it burns my throat, etc, etc.
I came here read. I celebrated anniversaries. I joked around. I PM'd with some very supportive friends who really helped me through a few tough days - you know who you are, Amigas!
I also didn't smoke. Thank dear God for giving me that strength and to all of you for being here. I know I am a big goof sometimes, but I really am thankful to you.
Thank you for starting my anniversary thread, Sarge. I love The Dance of Joy :) and I look forward to earning my stripes. I'm gonna go waddle my ass up that hill today and will dedicate my waddle to you and all of my quit friends! :)
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