Day # 16 the hardest so far
My very first post, on day 16 of my quit, with updates...
Day # 16 the hardest so far
Started by action, Oct 28 2013 06:07 PM
Afternoon All,
Just looking for some opinions/advice. So I've been free from tobacco since 12th October (Cold Turkey), and I've had an almighty cough (and the flu) while my lungs tried to clean themselves up, and that really helped in stopping me having a smoke.
I've just recently recovered and this day has been the hardest so far. Have had many many cravings for a cigarette. Been chewing normal gum to try and get over it, but it's been a really long, difficult day; really had difficulites concerntrating on work. It's been almost unbearable.
Can anyone tell me in there own experience after how many days do the cravings lessen?
Just writing this message seems to have calmed me a little, but just hoping to hear some friendly support and your thoughts.
Thanks for your time all.
Posted 29 October 2013 - 01:03 AM
Wow guys, this is probably the most helpful thing ever. I thought I might get one or two people chipping in with a bit of advice, but the sheer amount of replies in such a short time has made me even more determined.
Like I said earlier, hardly any of my family and friends smoke, so I'm not sure they really understand quite how hard it is. Was emotionally drained after today, and when I saw my wife she was supportive, but she's never smoked, so maybe she doesn't realise quite how hard it can be giving up...
I quit once before for 6 months, and I have literally no idea why I had a relapse. But I am so sure that this time I'm gonna stag quit for good.
And the cigarettes in my house are being given away tomorrow.
I hope I can help others in the way you have helped me today. Hopefully I can get on here in time if I have a SOS moment!!
Posted 29 October 2013 - 11:30 AM
Thanks to all of you for getting me through yesterday. The important thing is that I still haven't had a smoke, and today I feel much better (atm). I also managed to offload my stash of cigarettes!!
Just this morning, I took the car to the garage for an MOT, and walked the rest of the way to the office (about 20 minutes). Usually after this journey, I feel slightly short of breat, or have a stich, but this morning, I felt absolutly great after the walk - it's really amazing that so much difference is possible after only (nearly) 18 days.
So, thanks again to everybody's kind words, and I'll try and post encouragement for others who need it, weather they be new quitters or someone who just needs a bit of help in hard times.
(Special thanks to the following QT members for posting on my very first thread and making me feel so welcome; Jimmy, Sarge, Betsy, Holski, Tiffany, Armed, Jenny, Nancy, Beacon, Colleen, Pip)
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