The exercise plan continues
I have found some nice chirpy lady on fitness tv who does yoga and says ass a lot. She's pretty real, I like her honesty, yes thank you my lovely, if I am working I want it to count, especially in the region you propose needs fixing. I'm not beyond asking for assistance and believe you when you say this will work. So Monday mornings are sorted.
Having eliminated belly dancing, walking, running, bike riding and sex for various reasons, I have today discovered beach body. I mean I don't have a beach body, obviously, my bod is extending over and above yoga pants, god only knows what would occurif I put a bikini on! Waif like bimbo birds assure me I will have a "hot" "beach body" in no time if I follow their plan. you two lovely bimbettes have just won my tuesday afternoon when the ex has the kids for access visits.
So i have Friday morning left and need something else. Cardio or dancing thoughts are in my head. But first I must check if I have all the stuff required for the achy legs I already possess cause ow!
I am feeling happy and chirpy. Life is alright today. Tomorrow morning is not looking hopeful (on feeling alright, i think these legs will hurt) so I will enjoy today. Exercise this week and start regrouping on the work front next week I think. Time to get my slightly larger butt off of the I don't smoke program and back into the really real world where life just goes on.
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