Emotional overload
Tough emotional week, like gritty tough. Living on my nerves but wasn't really concerned about my quit which felt safe and of course, is still safe. My kids are away for the weekend so I can relax and maybe I just drunk too much? Mum lit up in front of me, a conversation went horribly wrong with Chris, then from nowhere - massive crave! Like huge crave, what the hell, where from?! Before I know it I'm out of bed and hunting the house for cigarettes...jeez, really have no idea! I got to the point where I wasn't sure what i would do when i found them so posted an sos, wanted to make sure i was accountable. I'm still shaky emotionally, that was very real and very raw. Don't want to smoke, my quit is as safe as it can be but I feel like crud and exhausted :(
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