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Aine's Blog

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Day 6



04 March 2014 - 06:57 AM


Still here. My lifetime insomnia seems to be missing right now. Happy about that. Fell into bed at 10 pm last night and I am again waiting for the chickens to wake. Less twitchy this morning than yesterday and I am going back to work today after 3 long snow days at home. Looking forward to it cause this sitting around is tedious. Eating all these veggies and hummus stalled off any weight gain so far. This is one of my BIG fears with quitting. I am willing to accept some temporary damage but eating veggies is at least killing the other junkie thoughts that beat at me.irrational, I know, but not willing to give myself that "pass" to gain 50 pounds that will make me Feel so bad that I'll smoke anyway. Breathing better. Eh


Was reading about stages of grief in the newbie reading and connection with smoking. I have smoked since I was 13, and so recovering from this has left a big hole in my life. Better that, though, than in my lung! Denial...bargaining...anger...depression...acceptance.


Gotta stay focused om moving through rather than getting stuck and listening to my head


It is hard to care about myself and be "positive". Today though I am going to work on believing that it is ok to be a non smoker.


Thanks all for being here...


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