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Aine's Blog

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Day 5 March 3rd



Sleeping on the couch for the last few nights. Twitchy and restless. Our neurotic cat, Greta, or "Fatty" as the rest of the family affectionately calls her, began the hour long ritual of scratching in the litter box. Hour. A very long time.


So, I didn't throw her against the wall. I just visualized. So, staring out the dark window waiting for the roosters to start crowing. Literally. We have chickens and they are still asleep. Stupid cat.


My coffee tastes good. Better than usual. However, I think I need to clean the water container I keep in the fridge. Or, our well water has always tasted this bad?


Sunflower seeds everywhere! Food craving started last night. Polished off the rest of my vegetable plate and my hummus is almost gone,hehheeh! But managed not to tear into that peanut butter jar. Lol


Teeth feel different. Weird.


That's all I got. I will not smoke today. Just for today.


Yesterday wasn't really great. But it didn't suck as bad as day 4. I was nervous and twitchy, but only about 5 or 6 short little craving spells. I am truly little miss sunshine here. Sigh. Ice storm is over, and may even be able to go for a walk today. Thanks all of you for being here. I really couldn't do this alone.


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