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Day 3



My blood pressure is about 96/58 pre quit and now is a couple points. Lower at 94 or something yesterday and pulse rose in the last 3 years from the normal of 68 or so to about 96 average, knew that wasn't good. Blood sugar needs stabilized during the first couple of months from what I've read and I am doing what they told me to do here--drink juice regularly throuout the day. Only one dizzy spell really. Important to drink water too. Taking care of the physical needs right now is something I am not very good at, it's actually a good distraction from the cravings etc


I did enjoy some of the drugs, and, I did receive pleasure from nicotine. That is what a drug does! What I am trying to really know today about the cigarettes is that the satisfaction I got from the nicotine was the rush of relieving that particular withdrawal. I wouldn't have gotten the satisfaction otherwise. Boy, this seems simple to write. How come I am still just not really believing it? Sigh. Maybe tomorrow.My blood pressure is about 96/58 pre quit and now is a couple points. Lower at 94 or something yesterday and pulse rose in the last 3 years from the normal of 68 or so to about 96 average, knew that wasn't good. Blood sugar needs stabilized during the first couple of months from what I've read and I am doing what they told me to do here--drink juice regularly throuout the day. Only one dizzy spell really. Important to drink water too. Taking care of the physical needs right now is something I am not very good at, it's actually a good distraction from the cravings etc


Day three for me, lace. Today was better than yesterday. Cravings not so strong and I am finding out what helps when they hit. Being here on the board and reading Carrs book on quitting is helping. Doing something rather than just sitting when the craving hits. I get the kitchen timer and set it to 5 minutes so that I know that there is an end to the craving. Feels like forever but I know it will end. I eat veggie and dip till my jaw was sore yesterday. Finally I was tired enough to go to bed by midnight. Hang in there. I have always quit too soon . IM determined to get to the other side of this this time . I'll send you Carrs book. You seem like you are sick and tired of the circus, too. Don't quit quitting yet!


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