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Quit Date: 14 October 2012


Posted January 14, 2017 

(First Posted 01 April 2014)



A crave can happen because of 2 things:
1. Physical Withdrawl Symptoms.
2. Mental or Emotional Smoking Triggers.
Craves can happen frequently early in our quits, because of physical withdrawl symptoms.
They can also happen simultaneously with physical cravings and then later in our quits, much less frequently, as we continue to confront triggers which are mental or emotional in nature.
The important thing to remember, is that craves are *NEVER* a command !!!
You N.T.A.P. them (apply to them the concept of Never.Take.Another.Puff.....just for today) as they happen.
Then what happens ???
Absolutely.......*NOTHING* !!!
Your head does not explode when you say "NO" to a crave.
You will not die.
Life will continue, and the sun will continue to rise every day.....and so will you....and the crave will be gone and soon forgotten.
At the same time, you re-program you brain and emotions to react to life as a non-smoker again.

Craves create F.E.A.R. in your mind and emotions, but it is a false fear.
F.E.A.R. = False.Expectations.Appearing.Real.
In the case of smoking, the expectations that some horrible thing may happen if you do not yield to the crave, are ***FALSE***.
The fear that craves create can appear real, if you give them life and continue to believe lies the addiction may tell you, and can seem like a command at the moment they come to you.
But the reality of this fear, is that it is a fear based on lies.
This fear generates a false command....a empty command, based on the lies of a addiction that has no intelligence, is in every way illogical, and exists only as a ghost in your brain.
If you do nothing when you experience a crave.....nothing happens.
A crave based on illogical F.E.A.R. - False.Expectations.Appearing.Real.....is never a command.

Do not listen to the nonsensensical illogical lies the addiction may tell you.

Instead, N.T.A.P. these craves, and N.T.A.P. your way to the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual freedom you so desparately want.


Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/7946-a-crave-is-never-a-command/


Edited by jillar

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