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Why is Quitting So Hard-Repost by jwg


Quit Date: May 29, 2016

Posted May 18, 2018 


Why is quitting So hard

by jwg » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:01 pm


So that is the question , why is quitting so hard ?
I think there is only one reason quitting it so hard to do
Or maybe two reasons , at most three to five ,, less then ten for sure..

Sadly I don’t think most here will agree with me nor will they aperciate my opion , and that really all this. My opion .
A view from my porch and from my experiences , nothing more

So there that’s the warning , take it with a grain of salt

The reasons quitting is hard to do

First off its hard because ,, You want it to be! And yes I think that is true most people want quitting to be the hardest thing thay have ever done in there life,,,WHY ?
So they can then justify in there mind why on earth they smoked for so long,, after all if quitting was “easy” they would feel like quite the heal for not quitting years ago.
So in order to live with them self in a balance of peace , quitting must then be difficult.
Plus with quitting being so hard to do, it gives the quitter a boost in there personal moral on how “hard” they fought and won ..
The quitter wants quitting to be hard to do , so they do not have to
Accept loved ones could have prevented there suffering and death if they could have easily quit.

And then there is the aspect of quitting is “so hard to do” because they have been told it was for years , and like the sentence above , have even been to the funerals that proved this to be true.

If you want to quit smoking and fit in with others who quit smoking , then by god you have to suffer threw it just like they did too. After all no one gets a free pass when it comes to quitting smoking ,,
“The hardest thing in the world to do”

Well to each there own , but it all honesty . to stop smoking is not that hard to do it at all , In fact NO ONE that ever really wanted to Quit Smoking has ever failed..

To stop smoking dose not cause pain , where as healing from most other things in fact dose , A sun burn carries with it much greater pain then any one ever suffered to stop smoking.
Mentally, a spelling test is harder then it is to quit smoking ..

And lastly, why quitting is so hard to do ? , because before most ever start they go into already granting them selfs permission to fail. And then this failure only dose one thing , grants them permission once more ,

So this goes back to my point , quitting is only hard because most just want it that way.

But I know first hand , that dose not have to be the way it is and in fact if focused on the rewards vs the discomforts , quitting hands down is the easiest thing any one has ever done for them selfs

If smoking is a temp pleasure with long term consequences
Then to stop is is temp discomfort with long term benefits

Break the cycle , evaluate your quit honestly with out the desire for it to be “so hard” and not only will you see it is not as you have been lead to believe , but too you will learn to enjoy the process of becoming free to do all the things you once sat around and labeled
“one of these days”



Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/10421-why-is-quitting-so-hard-repost-by-jwg/


Edited by jillar


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