Spoiled Brats / Nicotine Addicts
Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.
Posted July 1, 2016
It was after quitting smoking, I realized how addiction had turned me into a spoiled brat.
I indulged myself completely, I smoked anytime and anywhere possible.
My most shameful example was after a home birth,
my brand new daughter, alive and healthy,
was being walked around by her father and I said to my midwifes,
'man, after 9 months and the last 12 hours, I NEED A SMOKE'.
One of my midwifes asked,
'Really ?'
'Yes yes yes yes yes YES, I want a smoke !"
She handed me a non filtered cigarette from the pack she had hidden in her jacket
and that was the end of that abstinence for 29 years !
I call it 'abstinence' because I never ever wanted to quit
and only quit smokes and drinks 'temporarily' for pregnancy.
That was really Big of me, huh ?
I didn't give a hoot about second hand smoke
and that was worse than just acting the spoiled brat.
Second hand smoke does actual HARM to people, animals and plants.
Smoking is suicidal, homicidal, herbicidal, biocidal
all the cidal-s you can think of and continues to make
the tobacco companies rich beyond measure
I am elated to not be lining those evil pockets anymore
glad also, to not be 'cidal' anything.
and one more thing...
My Spoiled Brat also made quitting harder.
'This is too hard' the brat would moan
'I don't want to !' the brat would whine
'Why Are You Denying Yourself ? '
The Brat cajoled and wheedled
until I simply had no other choice,
I killed the Spoiled Brat.
Killed Dead.
Spoiled Brat-icide.
Hah !
If you are thinking about quitting, Know You Can.
You don't have to be the spoiled brat that addiction turns us into or, a slave to nicotine anymore.
You Can Quit.
Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/7223-spoiled-brats-nicotine-addicts/
Edited by jillar
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