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Sex, Health, Money & Time


Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.


Posted July 20, 2016 


                        *Want better Health immediately ? 

                 *Want extra Money in your pocket now ? 

   *Want more enjoyment from Sexual encounters tonight ?


Well then, it's Time to free yourself from nicotine addiction !


You can start by giving yourself 72 hours

because in three days nicotine begins to leave your body.
Take the weekend and pull the covers over your head if you need to.

Strengthen your resolve and understand that any discomfort is temporary.


Give yourself another three days...give yourself Time.
What else are you doing that could possibly be more important than

saving your life, liberating your sovereigns and making you better in bed ?


You only have to go through this ONCE so,  enjoy the ride.

Soon you will be seeing astoundingly positive results.

You are evolving into a new person, 

more honest with yourself, much more confident,
happier, healthier, wealthier,
and wow !
out of this world in-between the sheets.
No kidding.



Link to original post:  https://www.quittrain.com/topic/7322-sex-health-money-time/


Edited by jillar


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