Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.
Posted July 24, 2016
Some quitters may have trouble with the never/ever part of NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).
To tell you the truth, in the nascence of my quit, I bluffed my way through never/ever land.
I remember Cristobal and Stuart qualifying never/ever with the caveat, 'just for today'
and that was the truth too, it is just about here and now.
As days and weeks passed, I absorbed the truth about addiction.
Once I clearly understood addiction is forever
and the brain's neuro pathways immediately re-connect to addiction after one puff,
I embraced never/ever/forever.
If addiction was in my brain for the long haul,
well dammit...I was too
and I was going to Win !
I want to include our friend, Joel Spitzer's video (and a link to resources) about this subject.
He uses the phrase, 'Never Take Another Puff' as we use Not One Puff Ever
Never Take Another Puff (resources)
and the video
Link to original post:
Edited by jillar
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