The Perfect Quit-Repost by jwg
Quit Date: May 29, 2016
Posted May 20, 2018
the perfect quit
by jwg1763 » Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:03 pm
Welcome come right in ,, how can I help you today?
Umm yes I would like to see about buying a quit
Well sir you have certainly come into the right store
Let me show you some of our newer and maybe are best
Ok ,, that would be great,, are they expensive?
Lets just look and then we can talk price
Umm , umm ok..
Now here this is a wonderful quit, about seven years old fully matured No cravings I can see no real problems for you and this quit I think it could fit you well… but you do have to walk it by 7 am oh and that’s after a good breakfast
Umm , I work nights im not up at 7 am
Well if you want this quit you will have to get a new job you can only work 9-5 with this quit
do you have something else?
Why sure we do,, we have the perfect quit right here for you this is the one,, it is only 2 ½ years old but very mature and well behaved
However you do have to sit every day and eat two bags of pop corn
While you watch the soap operas
Ohhmm ,, I don’t like pop corn or soap opera s I think this is a house wife quit . Not for me
Well sir quits don’t have a gender there just tailored
Oh ,, I see well I need a quit that works nights
Likes to sleep in in the morning,, play some video games
Doesn’t like pop corn and about two meals a day
What do you have like that?
Well sir I don’t think you understand you have to Tailor yourself to our quits we don’t tailor them to you.. These quits have taken years to fit there original owners
That’s what I want a quit tailored fit to me
Where do I get one of those?
You can’t buy one of those ,, you just have to stop smoking and
Let it grow,, you have to nature it , love it, and respect it
If I could just buy a quit like that just for me how much
Would it cost?
Sir a quit like that is priceless,, you do not have enough money
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Edited by jillar
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