Triggers after you quit
Quit Date: 05/24/2012
Posted March 30, 2014
Throughout your quit you are likely to be faced with events that bring thoughts of smoking back to the forefront of your mind. I've been quit nearly two years (28 year smoker) and while it does not happen often, it still happens. Not like when you first quit and craving a cigarette can be a whole body experience, but more of a thought. Your mind after so many years of smoking has been conditioned to think that a cigarette is what you need when you are stressed, mad, sad and even happy. We told ourselves lies for so many years to justify the need to get our fix. We allowed ourselves to believe that a cigarette helped us in these situations. Of course it didn't. It was just the addiction talking. We just needed nicotine and no justification for that was deemed ridiculous, even though it was. In the words of a wonderful woman named Susan, a thought to smoke is never a command. Remember why you quit and push those thoughts away. Always keep the quit.
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