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I reflect on the word "Struggle" . . .




Quit Date: 11/22/2003


Posted January 26, 2019


For me personally and what I have seen, I reflect on the word "Struggle" . . .


To watch a loved one die from cancer while all you can see is the whites of their eyes. The pain and frustration only shows in the wrinkles of their face, because they cannot talk . .. that's a struggle.


  • That cannot be undone


To hear about a roadside bomb hitting a convoy of peace keepers in Afghanistan . . . and your child may be in that convoy . . . communications are automatically cut for several days . .. that's a struggle.


  • You have no control


To give up on planning yearly fishing trips with your best buddy, because cancer just stole him away from you. . . that's a struggle.


  • That cannot be forgotten


To hear the last words of your sister in moans and groans because the pain before dying of cancer is so much. . . that's a struggle.


  • That cannot be erased


To see a family member taken off life support. . . that's a struggle.


  • That cannot be erased


To learn about others who have no food to eat tomorrow, and likely will die . . . that's a struggle.


  • That cannot be ignored


To have a strong crave to smoke a cigarette . . . that's not a struggle . . . That's an inconvenience.


  • That can be undone
  • That can be controlled
  • That can be forgotten
  • That can be erased
  • That can be ignored


You can do it!


Peter: Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/11825-i-reflect-on-the-word-struggle/


Edited by jillar

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