Disabilities and depression associated with smoking
Quit Date: 22/11/2013
Posted November 10, 2015
It's a sad fact that they are related to each other I can only speak from what I see or I know maybe others can relate a story?
My story is my mum she is a heavy smoker and absolutely convinced she will not quit as its her only comfort!! Which is ironic as her discomfort, disability and depression is all born by smoking!!
She has blocked arteries from smoking, this has been medically confirmed by examinations and consultants, she is not over weight and smoking is the number one culprit.
These blocked arteries have caused her to be disabled whereas she cannot walk more than 10 meters without having to sit down, this has made her a prisoner in her own home and brought on a depression that makes her the most negative, bitter, sad person to be around.
Getting her to understand or accept this has been an impossible task believe me I have tried
Depression for me has been a hard learning curve one that I never understood but I'm beginning too...
It's definitely not a case of "come on cheer up you miserable bugger" this was my attitude for so long and it doesn't help at all In my experience when someone is really depressed, it's just not the same as a bad day or feeling a bit low or down.
So how to tackle it, well one day at a time at the moment trying to get her to at least get dressed every day for the last four days she hasn't bothered as part of the depression comes, why bother and every excuse in the book why not to bother, it's windy, it's dark, it's miserable, no one is coming I'm not going out and you offer to take her out and you get another list of excuses (she never runs out!!) etc anything rather than action!
To say this is frustrating is an understatement as the opposite to depression is expression and action
So at the moment every excuse I'm trying to match with a solution and buying tools and equipment that will aid this for example a walker with a basket and seat so she can walk but sit when needed without worrying about having to leave a shop or worry she won't make it
A mountain we must climb just to function like a normal human being, something we take for granted when not in this position and one she herself took for granted and smoking has taken it all away from her slowly but surely over the years
We all think it wont happen to us, but how it can easily sneak up its so sad
The morale of the story is why climb a mountain take the easy road quit while you can, while you have your health and mobility it is surely easier than the above path
This post is not for sympathy but for a stark reminder to truth
What possible comfort did smoking bring here?
Nothing! It's an addiction!
Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/6243-disabilities-and-depression-associated-with-smoking/
Edited by jillar
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