Summer's Here - Have a Plan
Posted June 30, 2017
Over the next week we have Canada Day on July 1st and Independence Day in the U.S., July 4th. That means lots of parties with friends and relatives. Time to celebrate summer and rightly so!
Just have a plan in advance for how you will handle these get together occasions if they are your first since quitting. You deserve to have a good time but you need to think about what the dangers might be to you so you can avoid them. There will be drinking and some people will be smoking so just give it some thought before hand so you know what you need to do to maintain your quit.
Myself; I look forward to these occasions so I can tactfully work into conversation that I have quit smoking. I'm proud of what I've done and I know some smokers will envy what I've been able to do because they haven't taken the first step yet like we have. A few beers doesn't effect me negatively but it does for some. You have to know what YOUR triggers are and plan around them.
There's been more than a few quits lost due to alcohol and smokers unexpectedly offering up a cigarette. Just think about it in advance and have a plan on what YOU need to do to maintain your quit. I sincerely hope you all enjoy your smokeless holidays!!.
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