Why Did I Join A Quit Smoking Forum?
Quit Date: 22/11/2013
Posted April 13, 2014
I am not a social media buff, I only have facebook where its my family and friends, people I have known most my life or who I trust and feel comfortable around (I only have about 150 friends added)
I was not good on computers, I can be a bit of a technology phobic -
so why did I join a quit smoking forum?
I really wanted to quit smoking is the answer and I did not feel that I could do it alone, I was looking for support, my whole family smoked and I needed support away from that environment, some place where I could just concentrate on me and my quit, no judgement, no keeping quiet about it and if I needed to moan or was going through a hard time, there was going to be someone looking out for me and keeping me on the straight and narrow when the going got tough because those people supporting had the same goal as me or had walked the path before me.
As soon as I joined I was warmly welcomed and I felt apart of the place straight away
I quickly learned that education, support and understanding played a huge part in me quitting smoking
being around ex smokers who have no other interest but to help you quit smoking, no monies are to be made here, no corporate fog, no quit smoking tea is being sold here, its just truth and experiences and support and that gave me confidence and trust.
Its just us ex smokers here, helping each other, educating each other and the thing I love the most is this forum is run by ex smokers
I hope that if you are thinking about quitting or have quit and are looking for what I was to help you then please consider joining - I have not regretted one single second of my experience here on QuitTrain.
Kind Regards
Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/595-why-did-i-join-a-quit-smoking-forum/
Edited by jillar
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