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Smoking dreams

Normally in my dream I say no to smoking. Last night I didn't see me smoke it but I put one smoked all the way through out in an ashtray for my sister to say at that point, hey I thought you gave up. I looked at her and looked at the fag butt and started crying as I hadn't meant to smoke.... woke myself up actually crying.   Our brains are crazy things and I did calm when I realized it wasn't real.   Intense way of reminding myself I do not want to be a smoker and relapse would devastate

Still winning

Still winning

Sometimes on the Journey we take a step back

I'm nearly at 4 months quit, and there is no way that I want to go back to smoking but I could sure as hell have one today. The Quit Smoking Journey is a lot of walking slowly up hill and then speed racing down the otherside with the wind blowing in your face, Going up and down these hills on a daily basis becomes part of our life, we get used to it, Then all of a sudden you come to the bottom of a mountain, looking up all we can see are pitfalls, crevices hidden from us, but there waiting to



No wonder!

I'm up and down like a yoyo. The energy is off the scale and I've been to caught up to even look what's going on. You know the problem with quitting smoking...you think everything is about not smoking!! How frikkin annoying that my life has been entering a place that feels much like the toilet, when part of whatI do is understanding how energy influences us - and I missed it. Utter divvy!   First time I've written on my web page since I quit :) I may be more emotional minus cigs but I cont

Still winning

Still winning

Annoying me

2 months, let's celebrate...or get annoyed?! I have just sworn an awful lot on a curse thread, I feel justified...I wonder whether I am.   Simply put I think everyone is being an idiot right about now. I am assured by my sister, I am as bad...I can't see it. Which is nice actually, I like to be right and I really think it's all of them. Blinking emotions are being somewhat tricky again but it's probably ok, I can't decide whose lights I would punch out first anyway - and of course I realize t

Still winning

Still winning


Argument today, with my Mum. Waited for the trigger and it didn't happen!! I wondered if I would think about smoking .. actually what I thought is smoking won't help at all here and genuinely meant it.   Broke a trigger!!!   Sadly this just means there are too many arguments around me all the time :( but still chuffed this is not a trigger now.

Still winning

Still winning

Made it up the hill

Yay me!!! It's .75 miles straight up. Full jog today was 2.5 miles in 40 minutes. I only stopped a few times to walk. :)  



happy annniversary to me :)

Happy 10 month anniversary to me!   I wrote this in my anniversary thread and wanted to remember it forever, so I'll post it here. :) Thanks so much everyone!!! Quite honestly, this has been a tough month or two for me. The change of seasons and some personal issues have led to some major cravings. I have driven around the gas stations on more than one occasion and sat in a parking lot across the street from a pack of smokes just a few days ago. I almost totally lost it! Fortunately, I



Nearly 2 months

My emotions are still up and down like a yo yo. I have smoked since I was 13 years old. My first cigarette was age 9! I am now 38, never in all my adult years have I "coped" as a non smoker. I did quit for 364 days, but I was massively protected in that time and the first real drama, I smoked again. So I will forgive myself that sometimes I don't know how to/who to be?   I feel like a child sometimes! I am now learning how to deal with my emotions. Ironically, I am teaching my 8 and 4 year ol

Still winning

Still winning

Nicely Put

Just read a recent blog entry entitled "I am not a spokesperson for quitting smoking" (bows to soberjulie) I wrote a reply and liked it so much lol that I thought I would add it to mine   i'm not going to beat myself up because some days I crave the nicotine, it was part of my life for so long that I don't expect it to be an easy journey, no quit is right or wrong, but if I can help that one person get through their day a little bit easier, if I can pay it forward just a little then I feel th



Mixed bag of a week

I spent the weekend walking and pub crawling. Kept meeting up with smoking friends and would think awww for a second, then remember everything that comes with it and I was ok again. Strange sensations. Done a lot more exercise then I've done in years over the week, didn't ache so don't think I'm doing enough but pleased my fitness level is still ok to not ache and ready to ramp it up this week. So that's all good. Fella had that whole body crave thing on Sat night, wow that's horrendous to watch

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Still winning

blocked qsmb

school has blocked qsmb and i dont know if they will block out the quit train yet they just blocked qsmb a few minutes ago so if i cant get back on here know i will be thinking of you all dayly and will be back as soon as possible so dont worry i willl be back dont know how soon but i will love you all hope to be here when i get back from my 1045 run at 11 45 till then love jimmy



Remembering the past 3 months.

Pinched some of my previous entries from we know where just to remind me of where I was at certain points in my quit!   27 March 2014 - 06:27 PM   Started to post this in Quits recent post about topics, but whilst writing a flurry of replies appeared and was worried it would get swallowed up in the great abyss. I'm approaching the 3 month mark and have read posts about 3/3/3/ stages, I have climbed here fairly ok, a few bad times where I almost bought cigarettes but found the support here s



Obsessing and fitness

I have quit now some amount over 7 weeks, how funny, I no longer really remember, I just know it's that long as I had to count a while ago to post a question. I like this board and it's support so I will continue to use it and pay it forwards too but I think somehow I subbed smoking for posting? Bit more balance required is all i think.   I have added exercise this week and must admit it feels quite good. Wish I had of listened and done this earlier. You don't crave at all when you are actuall

Still winning

Still winning

Over 3 months in and I've just started my blog

I was always the last one to do anything, which explains why over 3 months in and I've only just decided to start documenting my wonderful quit. It could also explain why it took me to the age of 48 before I finally quit, quit for good. Over the last 30 odd years like any other smoker, I've thought about quitting, talked about quitting, read about quitting, been to my GP about quitting, quitted on a few occasions, sometimes for a day, sometimes for a week, sometimes for months and once when I



Feel good/ Endorphins

Is it exercise? Or the weight loss this week? Or the conversations? Or just time? Or that mad ass crave where I lost my emotional load last week?   I feel ok, like someone released my happy valve to just be ok again. I'm even planning on some intention work next week which I haven't been clear enough really to do since before I quit, my concentration was too sketchy. Scheduled in exercise, practice runs of things I want to do, that's massive for me!! I could do it now I think but don't want

Still winning

Still winning

Day # 16 the hardest so far

My very first post, on day 16 of my quit, with updates...   Day # 16 the hardest so far   Started by action, Oct 28 2013 06:07 PM   Afternoon All,   Just looking for some opinions/advice. So I've been free from tobacco since 12th October (Cold Turkey), and I've had an almighty cough (and the flu) while my lungs tried to clean themselves up, and that really helped in stopping me having a smoke.   I've just recently recovered and this day has been the hardest so far. Have had many many c



The exercise plan continues

I have found some nice chirpy lady on fitness tv who does yoga and says ass a lot. She's pretty real, I like her honesty, yes thank you my lovely, if I am working I want it to count, especially in the region you propose needs fixing. I'm not beyond asking for assistance and believe you when you say this will work. So Monday mornings are sorted.   Having eliminated belly dancing, walking, running, bike riding and sex for various reasons, I have today discovered beach body. I mean I don't have a

Still winning

Still winning

My mojo is back!!

I am a quit buddy whore, I have two cause I'm greedy like that. Just my new one talking about getting back on the train has reminded me I always wanted this. My older and yet strangely skirted (for a fella) and experienced one has reminded me all the way through that I have had this since day 1. I don't know as if I forgot that per se, I think I was safe...but I forgot the severity with which I wanted this freedom. Talking someone else through it and actually my beloved cousin asking me about i

Still winning

Still winning


Posted 25 January 2014 - 08:44 PM   COPD is a horrible disease. Originally, I wanted to vent about it. Then, I thought it more constructive if I could help inform a new quitter understand what it really is.   COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a progressive form of lung disease ranging from mild to severe. It is characterized by a restriction of airflow into and out of the lungs that makes breathing difficult. COPD is the umbrella term for sufferers who have been diagnosed




Still feeling lethargic, not sleeping well due to stress. Perhaps exercise is the answer. It's not like I'm not getting a tad porky now anyway and I could probably use the help. No more excuses, the housework can wait...death and i have an early appointment this morning. I will feel positive and energised one way or another.

Still winning

Still winning

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down..

I want to be all light and airy and supportive on this board. But I don't have that in me right now. Right now real life is not playing ball, or maybe I really am nuts and causing drama in my own life. I can't face anymore arguing, even if I say I don't want to talk, I can't seem to shut my mother up at the moment. She is sniping and shouting and carrying on like quite frankly a child...although that's insulting to kids, cause my kids behave better! Her non quit is doing my frikkin head in, I'd

Still winning

Still winning

Lung X-Ray

Posted 07 October 2013 - 01:13 AM     I ended up at the ER with an exercise induced asthma attack on Friday. After I was given the oral steroids, I was told I would be having an x-ray of my lungs done. How can I demonstrate how enthused I was not? Reluctantly, I agreed. I smoked for 24 years and you can bet I was nervous to hear what my lungs looked like. While waiting for the results, it actually crossed my mind to leave without learning the results. Realizing how ridiculous that would have




I remember, in passing, reading about seasonal changes when you quit being triggers. I kind of laughed about it. What silly people. It's easy to quit... I don't see why a season change should make it any more difficult... ESPECIALLY if you are further into your quit. Silly talk.   I'd be completely lying if I said this onslaught of Spring weather didn't bug me in the slightest. I quit in the beginning of November... winter was starting... no way in hell did I want to go outside and smo



About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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