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I smoked.

cant believe i'm doing this. so much is different this time around. once you make the committment to quit, half the struggle is done with.

Ex smoker

Ex smoker

DD goes to a pulmonary doctor

I am having surgery early next year and part of this process is needing clearance from a pulmonologist. I finally had my appointment today. My chest X-rays looked great! (almost 3 packs a day... lungs look good? *wipes brow*) I did great on the breathing test! He was actually surprised to hear that I was ever a smoker. :D Woo hoo! I have sleep apnea (boooooo) This is a good and a bad thing. Bad because it is sleep apnea but good because it is one more justification toward getting the surger

Devil Doll

Devil Doll

6000 cigs not smokedand still counting

6054 unsmoked cigarettes when I just posted something. That's just a save on so many levels!!   There are a lot of new quitters I'm reading and some great advice being given. Wish I had of followed any of it haha. Claw through quitter, take a bow :) Many a mental moment, throwing my hands skywards and saying for Milly and I. The nope shuffle, switch from foot to foot literally saying nope nope nope. Should of taken shares in cough sweets and nobbys nut for sure...utter miss in planning :)  

Still winning

Still winning

week one

I quit smoking today for the thousandth time. And I'm using this as my documentation for this journey. Today is the day that I will make this quit for good and change my life for forever. Welcome everyone.

Ex smoker

Ex smoker


I havent really been on much as ive had a lot of stuff goin on. Some good. Some bad and some truely ugly! But... im still smoke free and stil declaring to myself on a daily basis to keep up NOPE. So im now on day 23 and i can honestly say that nothing has felt as good as this achievement in a very long time. Im findin the strength to change other aspects on my life, so i initially started this to quit smoking, but all of a sudden im findin alot of my life is changin for the better and i didnt e



6 months and a little bit

Shhh, I feel ok *looks left and right for the easy peasy crew* haha. I don't smoke, 6 other people don't smoke now because I showed it could be done. Of course they were considering it anyway, isn't every smoker considering quitting. Where I am today is where I could only dream of being before and I fully respect that and hold onto it.   Things have really been getting to me lately. I have felt massively overwhelmed, as such some of my posts might have seemed a bit sad, that's life tho. I won

Still winning

Still winning

“What if” I was still smoking?

The last few weeks I have been thinking “What if I was still smoking” and the only answer I can come up with is I may not be here today. I wish I quit sooner but am so glad I did when I did.   I have been dealing with some health issues lately and I know a lot has to do with smoking and also heredity. My cholesterol was extremely high and for the past 7 months I have been working on getting that lowered. And the last several weeks my blood pressure started to become dangerously high (208/1



FOUR FEET IN HEAVEN - For Smudge RIP 14/09/14

Your favourite chair is vacant now no eager purrs to greet me no softly padded paws to run ecstatically to meet me no coaxing rubs no plaintive cry will say its time for feedings ive put away your bowl and all the things you wont be needing but I will miss you little friend for I could never measure the happiness you bought me the comfort and the pleasure and since god put you here to share in earthly joy and sorrow I'm sure there'll be a place for you in heaven's bright tomorrow




Been all over the place today, my mum's wee cat, Smudge who is 19 is having breathing difficulties, has air and fluid on the lungs. He was rushed to the emergency vets last night and has had two more incidences since. My mum has just called he is being rushed up to a special Vetinary hospital in Glasgow. If any place can save him they will be able to. Could all you animal lovers out there please send special prayers for him. He is a very special cat



Getting help wherever and whenever you can

My mother got settled in at a rehab facility the other day so I was able to come home yesterday. It's a long, boring drive (8 hours) so even though I listen to talking books, I do sometimes wish I had a cigarette to break the monotony.   At one point I stopped to get gas and use the restroom. As I was leaving the store I was looking around a bit. The clerk caught my eye and asked if she could help me. I said, "Yes. Tell me no." She looked puzzled and wary but said, "No." I said, "Thank you." T



6 month thoughts

This is what I posted for how I felt and feel, copied and pasted to my blog for once. - Don't put anything in your mouth and set it on fire! Actually, when someone put it like that it sounded like a pretty stupid plan anyway :) - Smoking is not on the table. Shortened to SNOT, thank goodness, my memory is shot from kids, I can remember short words! - NOPE - yep, like SNOT. Going with the KISS philosophy (keep it simple stupid) - One puff away from a pack a day There were so many reasons

Still winning

Still winning

Dodging bullets metaphorically

I'm just glad to still be smoke free.   So to quote something quoted to me my someone who was quoting someone else.....   Sometimes I want to murder my husband with an axe. But I don't because I'm not an axe murderer.   HA!!   Sometimes I want to smoke but I don't Because I'm a non-smoker!!!   YAY!!!   Thanks quoter. You know who you are. ;)



and..... its now day 14 !!! whoop whoop!!!

So not been online for a few days.... admit it.... i bet lots of u had thought i had given in!!!??? Lol sorry guys! Im still goin strong! Day 14 today and still feelin extremely strong in my quit! Ive been sooooo busy this week that i just havent had time to come online or post anything. But im stil here and as strong as ever! Yay!! Much love to u guys xxx



I'm the only one...

Good news-- my mother has recovered enough that she will be transferred to a rehab facility today. Excellent! She has been treated at this rehab facility before and likes it so I think that the familiarity of the people and the routines will help her to feel secure and to recover faster. So assuming that she does get to rehab today and get settled in, I think I will be able to go home tomorrow.   I wanted to share an observation with you that has nothing to do with smoking but which may come i



day 11.... yep lol

So im on day 11 now. The last few days have been some of the worst in my life but im stil feeling very strong in my quit! I no that if i can get thru the last few days (which i have) then i can get thru anything without smoking. Its so true. A situation or problem will not change if u give in and smoke. I now no i can deal with anything whilst bein smoke free and yes, i now no i AM free!




I have literally not sat down today, my son has decided to move in with his girlfriend....she lost her mum when she was 16 and kind of lost her way in the world, to cut a long story short her flat was a disgrace, hadn't been cleaned for years, rubbish piled up, dirty clothes you get the picture. Lovely sweet girl, last 3 weekends I have been down, cleaning, scrubbing, brushing, dusting, doing piles of laundry, Basically showing her what needs to be done. I am exhausted, they both smoke very h



Bye bye, Sis

My sister just left for the airport to go home. I did NOT fight with her this week. I did NOT smoke. Hooray for both of us!   Basically, we stayed out of each other's way. We took different shifts staying with Mom at the hospital. During the few hours that we were in the same house, we stayed in different rooms and ate different meals at different times. We spoke as often as necessary about Mom's condition and care and other than that we had nothing to say to each other. A sad state of affairs



Days 1 to 3

Day 1: "Am I really doing this?" Yep. So I posted my first NOPE pledge. I felt awful. My body was yelling "Nat! A cigarette!!! Now!" NOPE. Guys here were awesome. All day long they kept supporting me, answering my questions, keeping me busy. I felt exhausted. Oh by the way! I was wearing the nicotine patch. I thought I couldn´t do it without "some help". I was right. But the help I needed was not a patch. But all the people here cheering me up. At night something happened. I needed my nig



Once upon a time...

I´m here to stay! But let´s see how this all began... Once upon a time there was a girl named Natalie that had one big big deffect: she smoked like a chimney. So, about 2 and a half weeks ago reality hit her like a brick falling of the sky. Her whole bedroom was a huge cloud of smoke. All. The. Time. She was always broke because 2 packs a day are quite expensive. "What the hell??". Since there was no prince charming to save her from this, she had to do something and this is



Almost 6 months

I hold on to my quit being a fantastic thing. It instills strength, pride, worth to me. I love how I feel, this freedom. Even the occasional time it feels "tricky" I know I'm ok, weirdly I "trust me" nowadays. When life feels a bit hard, I often wonder is it due to the quit - the truth is honestly no and it hasn't been for some time. Non smokers have bad times and rarely anymore is it about not smoking.   The "problem" seems to be people still think I am the person I was. The smoker, who acce

Still winning

Still winning

Mom's doing good

Just a quick note to let you know that my mother got through her surgery without any problems. Naturally, she will need close observation and aggressive pain management for the first 72 hours, but so far so good.   Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. I'll write more later.   PS-- I'm not smoking and not even jonesing about smoking. Hooray!



omg 7 days!!

Hahahahaha soooooo ive made it to 7 days! Cant believe it! So bloody proud!



Better than expected

I am happy to report that so far things are going better here than I expected. In the first place, I'm feeling pretty calm about my mother's condition. She's resting comfortably in the hospital awaiting surgery this afternoon. The doctors and nurses are being good about controlling her pain (i.e., they are listening to me and accepting my advice :) ) I don't have to get aggravated about her care. What happens after the surgery remains to be seen.   My sister and I have been able to peacefull



About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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