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The Isolation of a Widowed Smoker

Almost nothing seemed to bring her joy anymore. But this day was starting differently. After breakfast her phone rang. She ran for a cigarette. On the fourth ring she made it to the phone and picked up the receiver. It was her daughter... http://www.quittrain.com/topic/2168-isolation-of-a-widowed-smoker/?hl=%2Bisolation+%2Bwidowed+%2Bsmoker



Mind consuming!

Hello,   So far, so good! By the way I have not yet fallen into temptation, why did I type 'yet" hmmmm - dislike! re-type, I have not fallen into temptation. However, my thoughts are constantly on smoking, which isn't completely abnormal as I have realised they always were, I never really smoked in the day due to the nature of my job, once home my daughter needs me so I would usually have to wait until the evening anyway, by which time it would feel like taking off a very tight, uncomfortable




I'll be 50 next year. i don't want to think about how many dreams I couldn't afford over the years, while I continued to buy cigerettes.   It's so suductive. It's only a few dollars at a time. I'm always going to quit tomorrow, next week, soon.   Enough! I am currently doing a nutritional program where I cannot enjoy even a glass of wine - and wine and smoking was always unquestionably linked for me.   So, this is it. We are a go. I am keeping on my nutritional program via a check i



No One Ever Said It Would Be Easy

A short blog, a few words, I just want to pen a quick thought.   The past week I have hit a low spot in my quit. I'm not really sure what has triggered it, have I lowered my guard? I don't know. I have just past my 4 month quit mark and all of a sudden i'm getting waves of urges to smoke.   The one thing that has kept my resilience, stubbornness and downright refusal to give in, is the fact that I have read about how people have faced the same struggle; even after months into a quit, just li



Reaching Escape Velocity...

"INTELLIGENCE IS THE ABILITY TO ADAPT TO CHANGE" Stephen Hawking   For me, quitting smoking was not an end, but a beginning. I wanted to do some new things in my life and I felt smoking was an obstacle. I didn't want to meet new people as a smoker. I wanted to move beyond some old, stale situations, and create change.   Sometimes I get a little stuck, and maybe even fearful, of new experiences.   Now I am trying to expand and want to keep a blog about this creative process.   I want ev



Month Five...a little Ho Hum.

July 8, 2015 Five months in...   Marching on...   Quote of the month: "Look up at the stars, not down at your feet." Stephen Hawking



Being a newbie.

I always thought I had an addictive personality. When I was little I was addicted to sucking my thumb whenever I could even at school. My addiction led to three years of braces and a lot of discomfort, but I stopped sucking my thumb and got really straight teeth at the end.I replaced that addiction with another one, bitting my nails. My mum took take of that addiction coating my nails with a really nasty tasting polish. I now have the luxury to spend hours painting them and feeling pretty. My

K. Lou

K. Lou

So It Begins

So it begins!   I am finally ready to quit smoking and face this thing head on! After nearly twenty years of being a slave to cigarettes, I'm going to do what ever it takes to free myself from these damn things!   I know that many people have tried different approached to becoming smoke-free.   Some have been successful with nicotene gum and patches.   Some have been successful with shots and prescriptions.   Some have quit cold turkey and never looked back.   I know I need help, so



my grand pa

this is a picture of my moms dad i never got to meet him he died when my mom was 1 year old his name is david frankiln fitzgerald



Nothing Exploded

Nothing exploded. I gave up smoking and stuff carried on as normal, the world didn't blow up nor did I fall over and curl into a ball - things carried on.   Stuff still happened that annoyed me, stuff still happened that made me happy and I dealt with that stuff - stuff is easy without smoke, you find a way in the end.   It's almost 3 months for me after 25 years of smoking, the most annoying thing about the quit is that I didn't do it sooner. I'm not talking about those half arsed quits, y



New life 14 months "ish"

I love to write, it is one of my passions and sometimes, it get's the mental neurons firing and course correcting. That's why there is power on these boards because as we help someone else up, or write down a ton of confusing feelings, or acknowledge that today is hard but yesterday was good, we start to straighten out our thought processes.   Because some of you know but others don't, my life was somewhat complicated 14/15 months ago when I quit smoking. I had many pressures and few answers a

Still winning

Still winning

"I Am The Only Smoker I Know" NEW Video

Some people find themselves in the unenviable position of being the only smoker in their family, social or professional circles. This often leaves them feeling isolated... http://www.quittrain.com/topic/2096-video-introduction-to-joel-misc-educational-videos-by-joel/?p=141564



90 Degrees

First let me send each of you that have supported over the past week a HUGE THANK YOU!!!!!   For some reason I lost all of my post and the wonderful support comments that each of you have offered me. I have not posted since I blew my quit on day 4. But I have been back here daily to read your comments, read other post and reflect. This morning I decided I was ready to post only to find out that I was still logged in but could not access anything. Thankful an administrator get me back on but ev



13 is lucky for me

It's so easy here. The quit is a wonderful thing still. It never gets old for me, perhaps because I assumed my family were "smokers" and it's what we did.   Today I joined a gym again, and I do exercise classes, a few of them and I still look like a ribena berry at the end lol, but I'm so much fitter. I take deep breaths all the time. I'm even wondering if I learn a new breathing technique to help and teach others...from an ex smoker!! Of 40 a day, who tried to quit and relapsed at a rapid rat

Still winning

Still winning

The best things about not smoking

For me, the best things about not smoking, becoming a non smoker, are the small things. I have never been driven by 'how bad' smoking is for your health, of course, clearly, smoking is terrible for your well being. Somehow, my brain had learned to navigate around that fact, because of the nicotine, the drug; It was dismissed - 'it won't happen to me' attitude. So finding a driving factor for my quit has never been clear cut, until one day I had a moment of clarity.   The day I threw away smok



About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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