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The weather is finally getting nice it so strange trying to stay in the mind set of being a non-smoker. The warm weather makes the urge greater. Sat I spent the day exhausting myself with the thought that physical exhaustion would help. But it is strange the smokes I still miss the most are the ones when I have physically exhausted myself with exercise./activities/ cleaning or errands. I wonder how long before my brain will be re-trained for those moments. I haven't written much in these blogs.



The Legend

"My brother's wife's cousin's girlfriend's second uncle twice removed smoked four packs a day from the time he was seven and died of natural causes in his sleep at 95, right after he ran two back-to back-marathons with a lit cigarette dangling from his lips."   "My great-great-great-grandfather smoked all his life and never even got a cold. Not once. In fact, I think he's still alive! Smoke 'em if you got 'em!"   "My grandmother's best friend's mother lived to 102; ate only junk food, smoked




Mr. Pixel quit smoking at the same time as I did. He was a little more of a casual smoker, and so far, the effects of quitting haven't hit him hard, at least physically. His Hell Week was just a normal week.   Once Week Two, aka Heck Week, rolled around, I was up and around, and ready to start rejoining the living again. I knew that it would be an adjustment to get back to my usual routines without a smoke at hand. I was prepared for that. I knew my brain would need to relearn a few things, an



Scratch that Itch

Sadly, that's not a euphemism for anything fun. -_-   At the end of Day 3, and leading up into Day 6, I was itchy. Actually, literally, physically...itchy. It actually makes me itchy now, just thinking about it. :o   My upper chest, neck, face, especially around the jaw, and head came down with a serious case of THE ITCHES. It came out of the blue, it was sudden, and it was really annoying. Like dealing with multiple mosquito bites.   There were no bites, no bumps and not even a hint of



Hell Week Surprise

I was scared of Hell Week. I prepared myself as best I could. I took the week off. I stocked up on junk food, thinking I'd probably just eat my way through my first week.   I expected to be gorging on cookies, chips, chocolate - anything and everything that was probably not great for me in abnormally large doses. As long as it kept me from smoking, I was ok with it, figuring I could always ramp up my workouts when I was ready.   I was right about one thing. I ate. Though eating is probably



New Media

Absolutely loving my new art class having so much fun trying out new media's to work with. Its kinda of cool to be so excited by a hobby that you want rush home to work on it. Friday all I kept thinking about was what crappy weather I would much rather be home with my art. But I must say dinner with my girlfriend turned out to be very nice. Feeling very grateful for life and friends and family. Trying to remind myself to appreciate all the many wonderful aspects of my life....... Spent a great



Somber St. Patricks Day

Today started out like any other put on my Green and beads even added my shamrock earning. I arrive at work to receive horrible horrible news. St Particks Day will never be the same a very good friend had a massive stroke last night. The girls all text back and forth that it was bad one by one we all tell our bosses and each other we are on the way. Went to the hospital to say good bye...... oh my God what a horrible horrible thing she was a single mom leaving four kids behind she was a single m



Thought for the moment

I just discovered days have gone by and haven't had any thoughts or desires to smoke. What a great feeling. I guess that's how it works. Days start to go bye and you don't even realize the routine has been successfully changed slowly and steadily. And the thoughts no longer posses all your thinking and time.   My friend at work comes past I think pew she stinks and I realize I smelled the same before. I listen to her try and catch her breath and feel sorry for her. It makes me think wow if I w



Good things

Oh my I am so exciting this week I feel like this is one of my best weeks ever. Got a call from my Church, just when I had given up to begin training for becoming a Eucharistic Minister. Sent my letter to Father Bob for Parish approval. This seems meant to be since I finally stopped smoking. It's like God was waiting now I will not need to worry do I smell did I wash me hands.   Then my two classes started this week. Art was the something new for this year. I was a little worried after New Yea



Lent begins

Approaching the season of Lent again at least this year I won't need to add giving up cigarettes to the list. How ironic I considered this a sacrifice when I was smoking just goes to show how brain washed you become as a smoker. I will however be giving up sweets and dessert and that should help with the couple extra pounds I gained since quitting. I look forward to this time of year not just for the giving up of things but for adding things that are meaningful during Lent. I think sometimes tha



Saturday blues

Was not quite sure how to make a blog but I think this might work. So Saturday I found myself fondly missing smoking. It was a strange trigger as most people wouldn't agree but the cigarettes I miss the most are the ones after a heavy workout and yes I smoked after heavy exercise, also after serious hiking trips or kayaking adventures. When I was totally exhausted and exhilarated I enjoyed those the most. Saturday the weather was absolutely beautiful hit the gym for an intense full body work o



Early Blessings

After just a week! The early (and many) blessings: Achieving that truly full breath at last (phew, my lungs still work) Appetite is back and food tastes good I feel more confident Not afraid of tomorrow's 1.5 hour drive and winter hike with 3 never-smokers Don't have to worry how badly I smell during my therapy group Money not spent on butts I feel more relaxed and calm in the morning (no rush out of bed for nicotine fix) Not worried I'll smell during Monday's job i



Curious & Rebellious? Still Time to Quit

Cigarettes are a big "f*ck you" to the world. To smoke is to wordlessly show others that you wish to take a dump upon your own existence. Like, "I didn't ask for this lifetime of slavery to both time & money so you can take this life and shove it up your ass" sort of thing.   However,   To... take deep breaths love food grow more intimate be vulnerable acknowledge grief   Is to... Embrace life.   And for those of us out there/here that don't find the human experience as fant



NEW VIDEO: Are You Questioning Your New Year's Resolution To Quit Smoking?

New Years Eve is typically a time when many people decide to make a resolution to quit smoking. New Years day or shortly thereafter many of these people question that resolution and usually throw away their quits. This video explains why this often occurs. https://www.quittrain.com/topic/7911-are-you-questioning-your-new-years-resolution-to-quit-smoking/



"Caring For Our Recovery" by John R. Polito

There are three primary factors associated with relapse: (1) rewriting the law of addiction; (2) an excuse; and (3) a vague memory. It doesn't matter if it happens within two hours, two days, two weeks, two months, two years, or twenty, the factors remain the same and apply to all of us. https://www.quittrain.com/topic/7669-caring-for-our-quit-by-john-r-polito/?p=191537



Sazerac's Third Annual Soiree

Three years ago, I quit smoking on a whim which quickly grew into a personal challenge to myself. A trip out West, where cigarette smoking made you an instant pariah, an aeroplane coughing fit and a horrible cold precipitated this life changing decision. I quit Cold Turkey not wanting to mess about with quacks or, spend dosh on NRT's.   My ignorance about nicotine addiction was absolute, in fact, I likely didn't 'believe' in addiction or some such denial tactic. Although, while in Califor



Invincible; I am free

I am invincible, just NOPE... and be free. The strength is within you, in every person. Now is the time to jump on the train...! No need to be scared! NOPE, not anymore!



Love my new Life

Had a great day, got so much done in the garden, a lot more than I used to and feel great.   Never realized how out of breath I used to get, it just became the normal for me I think.   Loving all the energy, feeling and overall happiness that I am feeling now that I have quit.   Planning new projects to do now that we can afford them as I am no longer just burning our cash.   Feeling great looking forward to the rest of my new smoke free life.



YOU are in control; chose either NOPE without the lies or lie and die...

'No More' truth or dare: final quitdate 15 September 2016   We wrote this on a blog about quit smoking, the members know we have DID.   No more cigarettes. No more deceiving, no more lies. Oh boy have I fall for lies and deceivement, oh boy. Who lied most. The people who should have been my safe haven, they lied, hurt, abused, drank and lied again... they lied to blame ME, for what THEY did. I was the failure. I didn't do good enough. I was a bad girl (...) I no longer believe lies. I chos



The continuation of the journey

It's all about choice. We can create the drama, or not. Create the fear, or not. It really is very simple. As simple as stepping into the life we want and not being chained to the past. The rains may fall and the droughts may happen but we simply move forward step by step when it feels too hard to run. Accept support when it is offered, accept gratitude for what you have and what you have accomplished without ego. Some will travel with you on different parts of the journey but don't be afrai

Still winning

Still winning

Starting my life again

Well managed to get to day 2, feeling good and proud. Went to my local shops today and when I went to the checkout was asked if I wanted 10 of my usual (never realized how well the staff knew my routine), I told them no thank you I don't smoke anymore. I think that I left the shop with a massive grin on my face as I felt so good and proud of myself.   Just finished my tea and normally I would have a smoke then do the dishes, tonight I did the dishes and made a cup of coffee and logged on to do



About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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