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Smoke Free Saturday

I am still smokefree!!!    Yesterday I drove 3 hours without smoking. I held a straw in my left hand for most of the trip. At one point I actually flicked it as if to get the ash off out the window. That was totally out of habit and without thinking. I thought it was kind of funny. It made me realize how much of this is the habit of smoking, the muscle memory.    I was also also thinking about what seems different about this quit for me. It’s not as much of a struggle for me



Saved by a bic pen, a straw, and the quit train

Yesterday was a bit of a roller coaster for me but i made it through. Just when I felt confident I had a major trigger that I've not dealt with before and panicked. All of my planning went out the window but I got great suggestions in SOS to use a straw like a cigarette, deep breathe, and lollipops or other hard candies. I didn't have a straw so I used a bic pen. I made it through just fine.  I read today that once you experience and deal with a cue/trigger that it won't impact you as much the n



Nicotine Free

It amazes me how in such a short time, you can get a real boost to your self esteem and sense of accomplishment by quitting something so bad for you. That is where I am today (at least for the moment).  I was actually able to concentrate on my work this morning for two hours without even thinking about smoking. Well, actually that's not true but I was able to quickly brush aside smoking thoughts and carry on. Someone else said it but I think I agree that the Chantix must truly be a wonder drug f



Uphill but following signs

This is my day 3. When I woke up today I felt it would be different -- more challenging -- uphill road, maybe covered in ice. I'm pretty sure "nicodemon" was whispering in my ear. I don't want to feed my anxieties and fears and make more of them than I need to. I have to keep reminding myself of that. I read one of the posts yesterday about how we should make it hard to smoke instead of make it hard to quit. That makes a lot of sense to me...very practical, sensible, logical. I also read a bit a



A cause for celebration

Woohoo!!! I made it through day 1 and am on day 2. A few strong cravings yesterday but I've actually had an hour or so at a time where I didn't actually think about smoking. I think that's the thing that I hated most the last time I quit -- obsessing over smoking for the first three months or so. The cool thing is that even though the last time I quit smoking was 15 years ago, a lot of the things I learned then kicked in yesterday. That's good news.   My husband received a stressful ca



Taking the non-smoking road

I wasn't really prepared to quit. I've been putting it off for a year and half. My doctor gave me chantix and she picked a quit date for me. It passed on February 1, 2018.   So April 9 is the day I quit smoking.  Two months later than I promised my Doctor. But better late than never.   I've been smoking since I was 13, off and on until about 21 when I took up smoking in earnest. I averaged about 10-13 cigarettes a day until, at 51, I experienced some personal trauma and I beg



April 5, 2018

DD and I made it home safe and sound. And as I had anticipated the urge to smoke was very strong, knowing that I had money and a store just 5 miles down the road, I had to battle the urge to go and buy a pack, just for one. But I did not. I NOPE-d every time I felt the desire to. I was surprised that the urge was mental and not physical. It was just fleeting thoughts that I had to work through. No anxiousness, it was somewhat a loneliness, which seemed a bit strange.   Now this morning



April 3, 2018

Day 2 and I am smoke free. It has been easy up to this point. I knew I would not be smoking anyway. I did not sleep well last night but I am sure it is from staying in a hotel bed as opposed to my own bed. I really have not had any cravings. I have only chewed 4 pieces of gum. DD and I ate at lunch at CookOut and I did have a deep longing for a "smoke" when I tried to drink my milkshake. I guess the pull on the straw as I was trying to get the think milkshake through the straw "inspired the desi



April 2, 2018

Today is the day that I "Quit The Beast".  My DD and I are on a trip to for her final college visitation. So it is a good fit. Travel time is 6.5 hours and I do not smoke around my family so it is a nice cushion to make this day as my mind will not be totally focused on smoking. I have become very accustomed to not smoking around my family and know that it would make the first two days easier, as I would not be smoking anyway.    I have bought along some munchies for the evening t



Future Focused!

Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks Oh! My!   Well I blow my quit back in 2015, not that is was a very long quit but none the less it was a quit and I never came back. Flash forward almost 3 years and life is out of control.  Teenage son (17) who is making all the wrong decisons Teenage daughter (18) who graduates this year and leaves for college 7 hours away in the fall Menopause is knocking at my back door along with all the hormonal shifts I teach high s



The Significance of Rewards

This is an old post of mine that still resonates with me and I thought to stash in in my blog so it is easy for me to locate.   Nicotine stimulates the reward path in our brain and by replenishing ourselves with nicotine, we were rewarded with Dopamine. Many times a day we went from the panic of, 'I've gotta have a smoke' to 'Ahhh', the brief relief of satisfying addiction.   We were jerking our own chain every twenty minutes or so....for years.  



Day 3

As I begin the third day of not smoking I am faced with the hardest decision I will make during this journey.  My wife is still smoking.  So do I say it's okay if she wants to smoke in the house since it is so bitterly cold outside and it is her house too.  Or do I just say nothing.  I know she had to make the commitment to quit herself but I also know it would be so easy for me to buy a pack to "support her" which is just an excuse to go back.  I know I am not going to give up what I have accom



Day 2

Day 2 of my quit.  Last night was a bit rough.  I could feel myself getting irritated with stupid stuff.  Today's focus is going to be not letting things irritate me as much.  A week ago I was not easily irritated so I want to go back to that person.  I feel good about myself.  I know this is what I want to do.  I have to remind myself that I am not suffering any kind of loss by not smoking.  And I love what I read on someone's blog today "stop the craving early by telling yourself it is not an



I Didn't Click "Send"

"Hey, buy me a pack of smokes on your way home..." "Stop by the smoke shop and bring me a pack?" "Rough day, can you grab me some smokes?" I typed those out in my head, to my husband, over and over this afternoon, but I never sent them. I haven't had a cigarette since October 16th.  No nicotine since last Thursday and here we are on Tuesday and I'm still hyper obsessed with cravings and withdrawals.  Seems they have been lasting all morning for several hours the last few days



*Cough Cough*

Just a quick recording for personal reference.   So, it's coming up now on 4 weeks since I smoked a cigarette.  I never developed a daily "smoker's cough" or found myself clearing my throat regularly, but I assumed that after quitting I'd probably end up coughing a lot just as part of the healing process.  Well, nothing happened.  Nothing until a couple of days ago anyway. I started in late September/early October replacing smoking with vaping a few times a day and from then through mi



Friggin' "Turkey Time"

I don't even know how that happened.  I was going to write a quick blog entry and call it Turkey Time -- but somehow managed to name my entire Blog Turkey Time.  So, whatever, there it is. Before I start, I better run and get a fresh coffee.  Back.  So... in conjunction with my quit, I've focused on quite a bit of reading & research.  So much so that I've fallen behind on a lot of my normal, daily responsibilities.  It's almost an obsession.   I've found that with just about ev



November 9 2017

So 2nd quit while on the Quit Train is quite strange indeed.......only 3 days in and I feel like its been at least 2 weeks! Seems like forever........Ive had some beautiful people contact me privately and its so nice to know that you care..........had to laugh this morning as my significant other went out to have his half a smoke this morning and how cold he was when he did....I really did chuckle........  



November 8 2017

Hello Blog.......feeling kinda strange today........little blips of "IWAC" but not really......kinda weird, they're not really serious thoughts, more like just little balloons of thoughts that pop.......the thought comes and then when I think of how horrible it REALLY will be, its like "No thank you, Im good"......other than that feeling kinda energetic and spunky........getting ready to do some walking, then come home and take care of other things.......maybe make a homemade carrot cake with th



November 7 2017

Not sure what to write today.......a little scared to write anything.........quit time was actually yesterday at 8am........24 hrs has been achieved........I hope that others who read this understand, we all have our different journeys for this....we all have our different stories.....we all have different minds, souls and beliefs........I do hope to help others one day in their journey (when I understand the journey myself) and do hope I will not judge their actions along their journey........



Uggghhhh, I Slipped

So, had a weak moment.......I slipped Friday eve.........not feeling very good about this AT ALL........start over? AGAIN! Never give up! Keep trying........



First Entry into Blog Oct 30 2017

So here is the funny part.......in my past attempts to quit, I had often thought about starting a blog or more like an online journal if you will.....so this is pretty darn cool I must say :D Destiny maybe?? Day 3 of not smoking........actually 36 hours as of 10:07am this morning......feeling pretty good, actually spectacular.....breathing is getting better and overall just plain feel good including my attitude. This can actually be a dangerous time for me as in the past, I have said to myself



Still going strong.. over 6 weeks

It's been awhile since my last post.. A Lot has happened..   I have been smoke and nicotine free for over a month!   I have been in a few social situations involving alcohol and people smoking (both triggers). I have made it through without issue. Big accomplishment for me.   I have been exercising regularly.. breathing is getting much easier.   My mind wonders ocassionally (couple of times per day) but a quick distraction or deep breath and any craving or thought about smoking goes aw



About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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