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You're not the same You've changed I don't need you anyway You're not the person That I believed in yesterday       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36a6KI6o9VY



Old Pharte - Who Would Have Thought!

I am 4 days away from making Old Pharte Status and I will be away with work which seems almost apt for my anniversary as I was away with work when I quit.   all I can say is what a journey! phew, so much has happened in a year .......   This is not a pat on the back thread, this thread is dedicated to the newbies or others still finding their quit feet   I know when I first quit I looked up to the old phartes and thought I want to be where they are, they are so sure of themselves and their



Who am I?

Markus Quote: And so you too will become exactly what you seek if you so choose it. You will lose yourself as you are, and become who you were meant to be, a free person. But, it comes at a price, and we have all had to pay it. You have to leave yourself behind to find yourself anew.   Thank you for the mention of change. Sometimes I doubted it, with all the talk of the same person. For me, no, I am not the same.   Possibly, it's the jet lag, or the OCD of machinery breaking, it's certainly

Still winning

Still winning

8 Months today.

8 months seems utterly amazing to me!! This last month has taught me quite a bit about my quit.   I went on the holiday of a lifetime. One of the main factors of me quitting was affording to go to Florida and Disneyworld with my two kids. I think with the holiday being paid for and actually being on holiday it set up some triggers. I was able to use all I had learnt with you guys here to nope through it, in honesty, once recognised it wasn't difficult.   Sadly my Mum didn't do the same. Havi

Still winning

Still winning

Group Discussion - How To Recognize If You're Romanticizing The Cigarette

What are some examples of thinking that should send up a red flag that somebody is romanticizing smoking? As we know, relapse is always planned and usually starts with romancing the cigarette well before conscience choice to take a puff is made. Please join in our weekly discussion. http://www.quittrain.com/topic/3390-wk46-group-discussion-how-to-recognize-if-youre-romanticizing-the-cigarette/



nearly 8 months

The time span amazes me. I don't think they know me, I can't quit?!   However, my ticker would disagree. You see, I have almost 8 months and a holiday with the funds under my belt! It's proper weird to me!   Let me say this. If I commit to it, it will happen. That's how I smoked for so many years. Also how I choose not to smoke now. Still, my mum has the holiday trigger, I get it but nope. I think they smoke in more places here then at home but nope!   I knew I would have holiday trigge

Still winning

Still winning

Group Discussion WK/45 - Hey, you smoked for 42 years! Why on earth would you think you can get past the addiction in a couple of months?

The physical dependence ends rather quickly but the mental side of the addiction is how we beat it or why we relapse... http://www.quittrain.com/topic/3317-group-discussion-wk45-hey-you-smoked-for-42-years-why-on-earth-would-you-think-you-can-get-past-the-addiction-in-a-couple-of-months-cut-yourself-a/?do=findComment&comment=89747



A cat, tea and a bike

As I approach 2 months smoke free it´s time to stop and think. It´s amazing how my life has changed in only 2 months. I think 2 months is so little time. A baby is just an inch long. In 2 months! Nevertheless my life has made a happy twist and turn in so little time. I´m healthier than ever. I realized something: if I was able to quit smoking I can do anything. I´m unstoppable. That gave me the strenght to keep going with an exercise plan and bike at least half an hour a day. That gave me the co



Group Discussion WK/44: What was stopping you from quitting smoking?

What were the main obstacles that hindered quitting smoking for you? Explain what they were, how you got past them and if they were real or some notion that turned out to be false. Newbies, smokers and lurkers, this is for you! Please follow this link to our discussion. http://www.quittrain.com/topic/3249-group-discussion-wk44-what-was-stopping-you-from-quitting-smoking/?do=findComment&comment=87581



Nicotine here is the door

Im tired, Im emotional, Im stressed, Im running from place to place, I shake my fist up to the sky and say Please enough already, I plod, I'm not at work, I'm not doing my exercises, I'm not sleeping, I'm not eating, but the most important thing through all these I'm nots is I AM NOT SMOKING, I thought I would crumble, after my relapse, I honestly thought that at the next part of high stress I would just smoke, but I didn't, have I finally realised and accepted that smoking really is not an opti



How did it happen...

I have been sitting wondering why, why did I become a smoker and how. The word that has sprung to mind all through my quit is insidious! I never "meant" to be a smoker. I didn't "choose" it and yet I ended up at an average of 2 packs per day by age 38, from a first cigarette starting point of age 9.   Age 9, I stole a cig from my mums packet. I don't even remember why. My parents were still together, home life was suspicious but I don't know why I did it. I took it to the shed, took some puffs

Still winning

Still winning

Thought associations

They are not triggers, nor craves. My quit is secure and my resolve is strong, or at least I believe it is.   However, there are some strange thought associations going on for me. Two of my "quit reasons" were a reiki course and a florida holiday. The holiday is 5 days away and paid for now, my practioner level reiki course was today. My "reasons" to quit are finished and yet not finished and in honesty it's an odd feeling.   Life has been throwing some stressors of late, maybe it's that? It

Still winning

Still winning

Long Term Quitters Who Say They Are Having Bad Days

Video discusses how longer-term quitters sometimes lose perspective of what really constitutes a bad day when it comes to thoughts for cigarettes. Click the link for the discussion thread on this topic w/ video. :) http://www.quittrain.com/topic/3148-long-term-quitters-who-say-they-are-having-bad-days/



SSL added to login screen

From now on, when you log in, you'll be doing so through SSL encryption to further protect your information. The next time you login, you'll have to enter your username and password and just click to remember just as before. SSL will not be used on the forum because it's public and videos and images won't work unless they're from a site which uses SSL. The store is also SSL.



7 Months - in a few minutes...

It still makes me smile. I posted up, on a site about 7/8 sites down from the top result as I'd already signed on to all the prior ones in my million quit attempts!! Never posted mind, and couldn't be bothered to try and remember the password! Found a new one, had no idea why as had not planned to do anything but I read a bit and posted! I posted of my intention to quit the following day (had no clue if I could or couldn't actually lol), that I lived with smokers who smoked in my house...it was

Still winning

Still winning

Almost 7 months

This has been a tough week. It's tuesday! That probably says a lot. And my weird will be in this blog, if it offends please see "ra ra" type posts in the main arena!   I don't understand why I think of smoking when things become tricky. Although it has been my "go to" for my whole adult life, I started to smoke at 13. I had my first at age 9 - the age my oldest daughter is now!! She's a baby!! I can't believe no one noticed me, and yet if you met those I "care for" you'd understand the self ob

Still winning

Still winning

It's personal.

“Only a quitter gets a quitter. Ask a non-smoker to give up alcohol for the rest of their lives & then they might understand”   I’m so proud of how well I’ve done that I want to shout it from the rooftops - 1 month and counting! BUT, I’ve learnt this is a private battle and it should stay that way.   I recently told a non-smoker friend how well I was doing, but they actually made me feel ashamed because they thought smoking was disgusting, the fact that I'd stopped was irrelelvant. I dou



Lifetime of Addiction

Lifetime of Addiction   I didn't want to hear this but, I am now facing this truth. Nicotine Addiction doesn't go away. You can put it to sleep. You can even put it into deep deep and deeper sleep for years ! but, it will awaken the moment you take one puff. One Puff.   This is for your whole life. Mind boggling, huh !?   This was the choice you likely didn't even know you were making all those years ago when you started smok



I smoked.

cant believe i'm doing this. so much is different this time around. once you make the committment to quit, half the struggle is done with.

Ex smoker

Ex smoker

DD goes to a pulmonary doctor

I am having surgery early next year and part of this process is needing clearance from a pulmonologist. I finally had my appointment today. My chest X-rays looked great! (almost 3 packs a day... lungs look good? *wipes brow*) I did great on the breathing test! He was actually surprised to hear that I was ever a smoker. :D Woo hoo! I have sleep apnea (boooooo) This is a good and a bad thing. Bad because it is sleep apnea but good because it is one more justification toward getting the surger

Devil Doll

Devil Doll

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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