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vuse commercials

Ok so what am i missing here. They have banned all cigarette commercials on tv right. Oops of course thats right .But now they are pushing those damn  vaps and electronic cigs on tv. Now they sell it as the new stage of smoking.   WTF  it should be listed as the new way to commit suicide.So now i got to wonder who is making the money on these wink wink. As if i would need to research that lol. Its the tabaco company of course.If they werent their lobbiest would have put the kibosh on it a long t



when will i feel good

Hi all you non smokers i hope. 18 days in this is murder. Thought i was doing good for last 2 years with the lozengers and than the gum and than the patch with an occasional smoke or two each day. Lol who the hell was i kidding,me i guess.All that did was substitute 1 addiction for another. Now 18 days in no nicotene at all  , and let me say this is hell. I am 67 and was smoking for about 50 years, so it should be hell i guess.Had a heart attack 10 years ago did that stop me ,well nooooooo. Sure



Monsoon is coming soon in June !!!!

Monsoon is my favorite season .   After days and days of hot temperatures of the summer   It was mostly Bad days Hangover of bad days and Good days   I have also decided to eat less every time i eat .   Not sure if this dieting plan is going to work .



Eyes Damaged

Three weeks ago, I learned that I have cataracts. Mild, and progression can be slowed if I quit smoking and adopt other healthy habits. One week ago, diagnosed with glaucoma. It's hereditary,  apparently, but no one in my family back two generations had it, so likely this can be attributed to smoking. When I left the eye doctor's office, I thought, "this is it; here is the impetus to get me to quit and stay quit."  I came back to the site and pledged for the day, feeling optimistic.




How am I going to get through this. When is the day gonna come that I don't obsess over a cigarette? Am I destined to be miserable?  To never feel happy? I know people say that I will be happy again but I don't feel that way. I have been quit for 2 1/2 months now. I still find it hard to concentrate. It's not going to happen for me. My joy is gone. Cigarettes have ruined my life. I pray for true happiness.  I wish I could be an inspiration instead of this pathetic woe is me person. I know I shou



The journey begins

Jan. 14th 2019. That's the day I quit smoking. I don't know why I chose that day. I think that day chose me.       I was smoking on the upside of 3 packs of cigarettes a day. I coughed all the time. Was wheezing when I laid down. I knew it killing me slowly but surely.......soooo I devised a plan to quit the stanky things.      First. I took chantix for 10 days. I continued to smoke but cut down drastically.  If I remember correctly, I only smoked 3 cigs the last day that I smoked. I o



Made it past 2 weeks

I completed day 17 without cigarettes.  I learned on this forum to drink a lot of water, and that advice made my cravings easier to handle.  This is the place to find lots of help. I'm getting some "surprise perks" from quitting.  I was always the slowest person in the house, and my family had to wait around while I functioned in slow motion.  But now that I've quit, I get things done even faster than my husband.  And he's stunned!  I think smoking slowed down my entire life.  And it's tremendou



Nicodemon's Lies?

...Science calls our lies denial.  Denial is an unconscious defense mechanism - just below the surface - for resolving the emotional conflict and anxieties that naturally arise from living in a permanent state of self-destructive chemical bondage. Nicodemon's Lies? by John R. Polito Nicotine Cessation Educator https://whyquit.com/whyquit/A_NicodemonsLies.html   Why a question mark behind "Nicodemon's Lies"? Because there is no Nicodemon. Because there are zero monsters



Watching Marie Kondo - Tidying Up & Craving

Craving a smoke badly. Not Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Thought about posting an SOS, but I asked myself, "Am I really that close to flipping mindsets and going out to buy cigarettes?" Nah. It's too cold outside. It's dark. I've eaten a light, healthy dinner. I walked about a mile today with my dog, so I feel pleasantly invigorated. Don't want to pollute my lungs or hand over any savings to tobacco magnates.  I was watching a series on Netflix about people tidying up their homes with



Feeling Proud

I am feeling very proud that I've started the new year as a non-smoker. This is my longest quit ever and I look forward to the additional days, weeks, months and eventual years of success. Even though I get a craving now and then, I am able to hold strong in my determination to have Not One Puff Ever (NOPE).    Thank you to Quit Train and all the other quitters who help me get off to a strong, successful quit.   Happy, successful New Year to us all!   Deanna



The journey only continued for some...

I've umm'ed and ahh'ed about writing another blog entry, I don't like to be rushed I guess. I thought I was in  a new year and heading for my 4th year quit but on perusing the site, transpires I'm heading for my 5th lol. Smoking is an enigma to me now but those who knew my habit 2+ packs a day for years can't believe I have stayed quit *cough, this site* and new friends can't imagine me as a smoker! The latter is a compliment for sure.   However when I quit it was with two others. My M

Still winning

Still winning

Counting backward

New delaying tactic... counting backward from 50, each number on inhalation or exhalation. Soon the tension will get too strong and an alarm in my head will sound. It'll be time to go to sleep, because if I stay up, I'm afraid I'll impulsively grab my purse and head to the gas station for cigarettes. I'd think that was impossible at this point, more than two weeks smoke-free,  but if there's anything uncounted relapses have taught me, it's that I should never undere



Delaying, Hovering over a Relapse

When I was in the Forum this am, read Chrysalis's entry on relapse. Today was my first shopping day since I quit on 12/12/18 Traveled 20 miles south and I paid for my dog's boarding at the kennel, got gas for the car, and went grocery shopping. Normally, when I got gas (Costco), I'd get a hot dog and soda and smoke a cigarette. When I'd finish grocery shopping, I'd smoke a cigarette. Then when I got home, I'd take the dog out for a quick walk and then have a cigarette.



Quiet corner for a private SOS

It's after 8 pm. I can see myself in my mind's eye, grabbing my purse and heading out the door to the gas station to get cigarettes. A sigh of relief when I get back, sit on the patio, and light one up. On the other hand.... I'm no longer insensitive to the actual taste of a cigarette. It would be unpleasant. I'm no longer accustomed to having nicotine in my brain, so I'd be dizzy, and I don't like that feeling. I'd have wasted $9.00. In future dollar terms, that's near




Everyone gets depressed sometime...….   I seem to be depressed all of the time, but I have this most wonderful mask that I made that hides it from everyone - we all have one - the one that we call our 'everyday face'.   My everyday face normally has a wide smile on it, one with crooked yellowing teeth that is just a silly grin, but it hided the real me that I almost never show to anyone.  Those closest to me are the only ones that see my real face more often than not, but even then, I



Of Superheroes and Smoking

So yes, I know the first question that might pop up in your head is wait, what? Superheroes and smoking?   What kinda connection is that?   Well, I'm a huge nerd/geek/fangirl (whatever other fancy term you may want to use) and a big big follower of the comic book/superhero universe. And though I love both DC (Batman, Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Cyborg, Green Arrow etc) and Marvel (Ironman, Spiderman, Dr. Strange, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thanos, Lok



The calm before the storm?

So I am in kind of a haze, certain things going on personally which make me question a lot of things I thought I knew. Long story short, if I ever had any excuse (that being the operative word here) it would be now.   However I don't want to, and I certainly don't feel like.  In fact, I'm almost disappointed since I realize that smoking won't help puff the problem away. There were times when stress at work or home equated to stepping out and lighting up. Absolutely sure that



Celebrating my first week without cigarettes !!

Its been a hell of week But i survived   Nicotine gums are  like my new best friend   I could not have done without it   Thanks to all the people who have supported me   I believe the ability to think is blessed. If you can think about a situation, you can deal with it. The big struggle is to keep your head clear enough to think. -  Richard Pryor



Cacophony and Silence (Tormented)

It seems like there's a fight going on inside, Words going stark raving mad to take flight. I hesitate, but they want a deluge To hide is something they absolutely refuse. I ponder, wait and consider all angles They run unchecked, unhinged, untangled. Do I open the gates, I wonder Would the flood tear my life asunder? They just want to be free, not like freedom today In the true sense, totally uninhibited No judging, no boundaries, no questions Free to choose their destin



Tensile and Taut

A very reflective weekend this one, on the back of a semi-hectic week at work. On Saturday, watched a play related to the 26th November 2008 attacks on Mumbai (today is the 10th anniversary of those horrific attacks).  The play was a monologue of the man behind the attacks - David Coleman Headley, an American Pakistani who orchestrated these attacks and conducted the recce which was used to plan and map out where they would take place. The actor (someone I know personally) potrayed that par



Week Two

I sailed through the first week but this week has been a lot harder.   On Day 9 I became obsessed with the "have I quit too late" thought. I had read a few personal stories where people had got a smoking related health problem after they had quit, and the seed of fear spiralled out of control in my mind. I don't really regret anything in my life but I do regret relapsing so many times.    I don't think I can ignore the damage smoking does or that it is a killer. I do think th



About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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