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Bad day

I am stuck,  I have so many negatives thoughts and they are stopping me to post an sos, or pm someone - or just get help. So I am forcing myself to type this blog, without leaving this page or deleting the whole thing.  What happened?  Well it started with a dream I had last night. I was at an airport with my ex (the one where I experienced my last relapse with 2 years ago after a nine months quit). And he was yelling at me, screaming, I had to get him cigarettes but due to a new law I ha



Unexpected cravings

A blog post about a craving at this time*? That must be one serious craving.  And it is!   I know that I have gotten a pack in the middle of the night on more than one occasion. Get out of bed, put clothes on, get in the car and drive for 30 minutes to the nearest 24h gas station so I could smoke one and sometimes 2 before falling asleep without the thoughts of being out of cigs in the morning.   Time to take a step back and analyse this craving: What I need right n



Close encounters of the smoking kind

I couldn't postpone it any longer. I had to bring some stuff over to a friend, who smokes. I warned him ahead - do not feed my addiction and please keep the smoking paraphernalia out of sight.  Unfortunately he forgot... so he lit one right up next to me. Asking me if I wanted one. "HELL NO! I quit remember?"  He felt very embarrassed and took everything out of the room immediately while apologizing a lot.  I went on and on about this forum, and about my pledge every day and how solid



Third day - mind over matter

Third day... what to say what to say.  I am okay during the day, I have no cravings until 4 pm, I wasn't a during-the-day smoker.. I hated that first cigarette in the morning. The whole head rush was something I wasn't into.  But when the sun goes down my head goes in to a tale spin and I really have to focus on my quit and determination to be a happier and healthier person and give myself the gift of life.  I avoid my friends at the moment. I know they will give me a cig when I ask for it




Approaching 24 hours! Mood: Mostly positive and highly energetic with little swings towards the negative side and the " &#$^$ FYA!" thoughts But I am still standing! *yeah yeah yeah* Anyway, my mind is racing as is my body (I might need to up my adhd meds.. )  I tried naptime, but that didn't agree lol  So here I am just rambling on and on and on..  I have nothing to tell, but time to kill  I am pledging my NOPE again here for today - I have told my dad today abou




So in my preparation to make this attempt a permanent and thus successful one I found this site. I like to blog, have been doing that from the moment my parents decided to listen to my pleads to get  (sloowwww) internet. My initial quit date would be the 10th, but well, you know how stuff works... you read, you post and you get highly motivated to quit sooner rather than later.  And why not! There is nothing stopping me..  So I need to redo my preparation time table and get this stuff out



Scary Story/Stories

Courtesy of my grandma, God rest her angelic soul ❤️ - here is the # 1 reason I gave not to quit smoking. I am dead serious.  This story is all her.  /////SCARY STORY #1: Every major holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.) my grandparents would host dinner in their home; a huge feast ... I mean HUGE. And every year, and when I say every year, I mean every single year, every single holiday dinner, my grandmother (nani) - a nonsmoker of 30+ years would finish her meal, lean back in her chair,



Day 7! My Thoughts Today

Wow, it is day 7 already - time has went by fast, kinda . . .take a look at this mish mash I made up - in no particular order, just a jumbled mess!  I have some thoughts to share: First - Everyone is so super helpful here and I am more appreciative than I could ever express. I'd like to mail you all $20 bills & (((hugs))), lol - really.  Second - I am sick and tired of suckers. I am open to suggestions that don't involve candy. My mouth is literally sore and there are sores on the roof of m



Working & Quitting

Ugh! I quit while I was off work (I work M-Th, 10+ hours per day) so I haven't been at work while I quit yet. Next week we are going back to a 5x8 (M-F) schedule. I will deeply miss my Fridays off! Deeply!  Working on the assembly line is different from 'other' work. We have time to 'think' a lot, if you will. Our jobs are mindless, boring, repetitive, monotonous, you name it.  I just hope I don't think about smoking! Last time I was ok, but last time I had the patch. This time I am going



My Quit, My Dad

My dad died of lung cancer in September of 2006. I took care of him. I watched the horrors of the disease take over his mind and body.  He was diagnosed at the end of April and it took just 5 short months to take his life.  And in those 5 months, we LIVED at the doctor's office, hospital, chemo office, radiation office, emergency room - you name it, we were always there. Hardly ever at home until it came time for hospice to step in. You'd think that would have been enough for me to put th



Worked through first craving (and thereafter)

Only quit an hour ago, but moving forward as though this is my permanent quit. I weathered the first craving by making a pot of oatmeal with goji berries, flaxseed, chia seeds, and blackstrap molasses. Ate half. Craving has past.   8:54 am. Trying to figure out how to make a running list of cravings, not separate blog entries. Tried "add a message," and now "edit." Craving 3: passed by my cup of coffee remnants on the kitchen counter; immediate craving. Came back to QT t



My heart is broken

Hi all. I have not been on for awhile. It is day 107  from smoking but please no congrats today. This is more about pain and heartache. To all those having trouble quitting,just think about the ones you will leave behind.I know i know you have to do it for yourself, but others will suffer just as much as you. I have     sob   had a wife.She was diagnosed with copd about 4 months ago.She tried to stop smoking and drinking her beer but could not. I tried everything because i would hear her cough a




Welp - I guess it's time to start the blog and not clog up the threads: This is my 2nd try but it doesn't seem to show up?? But anyhow!!   TEAM DEADPOOL is officially GAME ON!    Today was another good day! I'm 1/2 way through my radiation treatments with only 5 days to go (excluding weekends)! After this AM's treatment I met back with my radiation/oncology team. They have reduced my steroid intake to only 1 pill a day which means the treatments are doing their job. They plan



NOPE & NTAP ~ Never/Ever/Forever

(filing post in blog)   Some quitters may have trouble with the never/ever part in NOPE  (Not One Puff Ever) or NTAP (Never Take Another Puff)   To tell you the truth,  in the nascence of my quit, I  bluffed my way through never/ever land. I remember @Cristóbal and @El Bandito    qualifying never/ever with the caveat,  'just for today',  and that was the truth too, it is about here and now.   As days and weeks passed I absorbed the truth about addic



OK so THAT didn't go as planned

I am mostly stuck in the house due to a knee injury. Whenever I do have to go into town for a doctors appointment, meeting, errand etc my junkie thinking sets in saying "you can have just one or two...bum them...get a short respite from your quit, don't tell anyone, just a little secret etc" or even worse "just buy 'one last pack' and enjoy smoking for the day while out and about with no accountability then start your quit over" which always leads to two days of smoking, not one, because I just

Day Three Begins

Despite wearing a patch I woke up craving, which is weird because when I woke up to answer nature's call at 2am, it wasn't until I got back into bed that I realized that I hadn't even thought about smoking.    Today I will venture out of the house for the first time since I put down the cigs on Sunday evening. There will be people I could bum one from. I don't want to give up my progress. I don't want to experience that shortness of breath, smell bad and be disappointed in myself. I'm

Day 2 begins...

And I'm feeling strong. I have my patch on and am feeling committed. What a miracle. I will stay vigilant though and stay close to the board.  Today I will be venturing out of the house to my 12 step meeting where there are always smokers, some willing to let you bum one but I'll have a former smoker friend with me who knows I'm quit. I'll breathe deep through the meeting and leave it without smelling of smoke and grateful I passed my first challenge.   I'm experiencing what I think is

Defeat after defeat

Its getting old. I start off doiing well, totally committed then sooner or later my internal two year old throws a temper tantrum, demanding I feed the addiction and I ignore all the things I know about addiction, nicotine and all the reasons I want to quit....and I smoke, then I feel bad about myself, then I get the "eff its" and buy a pack. I have literally no money to spare at the moment, no way to get to the store today, and a patch on so unless I figure out some kind of bull$&# witchcra

when will i feel good

Hey  all , Havent been on for awhile. Hane not smoked either,  54 days now. Still foggy from time to time , achy in arms and back. Been to docs a few times , says and now i am off alprazolam for 5 days. Says what i am going through is pretty much what to expect for at least another moth or so.  Says the brain needs to adjust , and especially without the alprazolam.  Anyone else go through this , would like to know . Helps i guess sort of like misery likes company.   lol



Finally Ready. Day One

Hi Everyone and Dear Me,   This is a nasty addiction and its harder to kick than the addiction to other substances I've managed to beat into remission and stay clean from one day at a time.   Nicotine is much harder. I smoked for 36 years and have been vaping for the last 3 years. I love the experience of vaping: everything about it except the embarrassment that I was doing it. When I'm quit, once I entertain the idea of smoking  or vaping (just once! lol) the desire grows and grows an

vuse commercials

Ok so what am i missing here. They have banned all cigarette commercials on tv right. Oops of course thats right .But now they are pushing those damn  vaps and electronic cigs on tv. Now they sell it as the new stage of smoking.   WTF  it should be listed as the new way to commit suicide.So now i got to wonder who is making the money on these wink wink. As if i would need to research that lol. Its the tabaco company of course.If they werent their lobbiest would have put the kibosh on it a long t



when will i feel good

Hi all you non smokers i hope. 18 days in this is murder. Thought i was doing good for last 2 years with the lozengers and than the gum and than the patch with an occasional smoke or two each day. Lol who the hell was i kidding,me i guess.All that did was substitute 1 addiction for another. Now 18 days in no nicotene at all  , and let me say this is hell. I am 67 and was smoking for about 50 years, so it should be hell i guess.Had a heart attack 10 years ago did that stop me ,well nooooooo. Sure



About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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