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Cristóbal Quit Date: 14 October 2012   Posted January 14, 2017  (First Posted 01 April 2014)     A crave can happen because of 2 things:     1. Physical Withdrawl Symptoms.   2. Mental or Emotional Smoking Triggers.     Craves can happen frequently early in our quits, because of physical withdrawl symptoms.   They can also happen simultaneously with physical cravings and then later in our quits, much less frequently, as we continue to confro


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Why is Quitting So Hard-Repost by jwg

jillar Quit Date: May 29, 2016 Posted May 18, 2018    Why is quitting So hard by jwg » Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:01 pm   So that is the question , why is quitting so hard ? I think there is only one reason quitting it so hard to do Or maybe two reasons , at most three to five ,, less then ten for sure.. Sadly I don’t think most here will agree with me nor will they aperciate my opion , and that really all this. My opion . A view from my porch and from my ex


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Sex, Health, Money & Time

Sazerac Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.   Posted July 20, 2016                            *Want better Health immediately ?                   *Want extra Money in your pocket now ?     *Want more enjoyment from Sexual encounters tonight ?           Well then, it's Time to free yourself from nicotine addiction !   You can start by giving yourself 72 hours because in three days nicotine begins to leave your body. Tak


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Reaching cruising altitude

AceWhite Quit Date: 2/7/2021   Posted March 6, 2021    Hi fellow NOPE'ers I've been thinking about how my quit is like being on an airplane. The first part of the quit is like a takeoff. A whoosh of a new feeling- some excitement even as I embarked on a journey and reached new heights. Slowly, as i've gained altitude, space between myself and that last smoke, I feel now at almost one moth in i'm hitting the cruising altitude, but with altitude comes pressu


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I Was the Smoking Spouse

DenaliBlues Quit Date: 2/10/2022   Posted August 30    A lot of couples struggle when one person quits smoking and the other does not. I’ve been reflecting on recent Quit Train discussions on this topic, because for decades I was "the smoking spouse."   I didn’t smoke in our home or in our car. But the smoke clung to me and was present everywhere I went. It caused a ton of tension with my mate. The stink. The health worries. The temptation to join in. She H-A-T


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You don't just 'Get off the Quit Train....'

IamDoingIt   Posted July 15, 2014    I do not care who you are! You do not just 'Get off the Quit Train....'   You throw yourself head-first off a speeding train to land in the track bed below the train. You bounce down the railroad ties, bumping, flipping, twirling after the train.   A few of the train's car wheels run you over and you may stick to the steel wheel....spinning 'round and 'round as other riders in the car sit comfortably in their quit. Soon


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Spoiled Brats / Nicotine Addicts

Sazerac Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.   Posted July 1, 2016    It was after quitting smoking, I realized  how addiction had turned me into a spoiled brat. I indulged myself completely,  I smoked anytime and anywhere possible. My most shameful example was after a home birth, my brand new daughter, alive and healthy, was being walked around by her father and I said to my midwifes, 'man,  after 9 months and the last 12 hours, I NEED A SMOK


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The Lie

NADA   Posted January 10, 2019    I'm not sure if there are others out there who believe that smoking and lying go hand-in-hand, but I found myself lying to people throughout my life about whether I smoked, how much I smoked, and if it was effecting my health.  This is a post I wrote a few years ago.   Most of us smokers began our years or decades of addiction back when we were teens.  We learned to lie about smoking right from the very beginning.  Usually it starte


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Do you know him? - Quitnet Repost, 1998

Genecanuck Quit Date: August 19, 2024   Posted August 23    Do you know him?, Quitnet Repost, 1998   from Billi Peel, on another site in 1998 Hi Everyone,  My name is Nicotine. This is my story. For many years no one knew I was a killer. I am very cunning, while looking so innocent. I am dressed in a white wrapper. I think my shape is great. I am long, slender and easy to hold. This is great for the 90's image. I've come a long way baby. Billions o


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Sazerac Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.   Posted July 24, 2016    Some quitters may have trouble with the never/ever part of  NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).   To tell you the truth,  in the nascence of my quit, I  bluffed my way through never/ever land. I remember Cristobal and Stuart qualifying never/ever with the caveat,  'just for today' and that was the truth too, it is just about here and now.   As days and weeks passed,  I abs


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About Us (for our guests and newbies)

MarylandQuitter Quit Date: 10/07/2013   Posted March 28, 2014    QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances


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Quitting On A Whim

Sazerac Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.   Posted August 8, 2016    Many successful quitters here on QTrain have quit on a whim and just like them, I quit on a whim too. This is what led me to making one of the most important decisions in my life on a whim...   It was after a trip to California,   where finding a place to smoke was problematic and I was among non smoking friends.    For the first time, I started seei


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The Bridge-repost by jwg

jillar Quit Date: May 29, 2016   Posted May 18, 2018    By the color of his salt and pepper hair I would have guessed him to be in his mid 50’s I would not say he was overweight , but a few walks in the park would not be the worst way he could spend a little bit more of his time. The biggest impression he really made on me was how , unimpressionable he was . If ever there was a John Q. Citizen this would be him. Everything about this man was average, from his shoes on


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Christian99's Story

About Me This is my third quit site, and I was saddened by the loss of my first two.  I was extremely active for about 12 years on the first one, and then it radically changed in ways that made me uncomfortable.  So I left.  The second one simply disappeared into cyberspace after I was on it for a couple of years.  I'm happy to be here, but I'm a bit reluctant to invest as much as I did with those previous sites.   Briefly, I've been quit since late 2001, and I was able to quit by


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Game Over...

jillar Quit Date: May 29, 2016   Posted January 18, 2021    Imagine if we were characters in a video game and cigarettes are our opponents. The object of the game is to be the sole survivor, the winner of the grand prize- A LIFE TIME FREE FROM DAMAGE! Like a lot of video games you get three lives, in our game they're called relapses. Each relapse causes your character to become weaker and weaker from the effects of smoking and your opponent seems to be winning. So y


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Instead of smoking I will... (Need help)

Fluffyyellowduck Quit Date: 27/12/2020   Posted December 15, 2020    I keep around a lot of index cards because I have ADHD and I forget things. I'm very flippity and kind of all over the place, so I keep them in my pocket to help me get through the day and remember what I need to do.    I'm using 1-2 of these index cards to write down a plan for when something comes up because things will always come up. I was wondering if you guys could help me come up with i


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Third hand Smoke

Sazerac Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.   Posted March 4, 2020    It's not just secondhand smoke that is dangerous. Thirdhand smoke can be, too   by Sandee LaMotte, CNN Wed March 4, 2020   You can tell the dude sitting next to you in the movie theater is a smoker or vaper; you can smell it on his clothes. But since he's not lighting up and puffing smoke your way, it's OK, right?   Not at all.   A new study


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My Story...Hope it Helps

stzr500 Quit Date: 02/24/2017   Posted March 10, 2018    Hello,         I just want to start off stating that Feb 24th was my first year smoke free. I just want to give a bit of insight on how things went and are still going. This may be a bit in length but to totally understand it has to be, sorry. I came home that night on the 24th after I said goodbye to my daughter whom was off to rehab for her own addiction. I said if she can do it so can I even after 30 years


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The Ripple Effect

Boo Quit Date: March 9, 2016   Posted July 20, 2017    Quitting smoking...it's what every smoker desires.  We've already established that the act of quitting is dead simple.  You simply refrain from putting cigarettes in your mouth and lighting them on fire.  And repeat.   The benefits of quitting are many: freedom, improved health, more money in your pocket, etc.  The benefits do not end there.  In fact, the benefits only begin there.  The process, while simpl


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Eleven Although Ten years quit was the milestone, in this eleventh year I have utilized the lessons learned by quitting nicotine/dealing with addiction in another profound way. My body was rebelling after my years of abuse, from smoking, from defying gravity for 69 years ! Arthritis was making for painful days. No surprise. I was lucky I could still breathe after so many years smoking like a whore in church.   After experiencing symptoms of an autoimmune disease, I de

Owning Your Relapse

jillar Quit Date: May 29, 2016   Posted June 19, 2020    Over my four years of being on support forums I've seen a few people who just couldn't seem to get their sticky quit the first time. They start so gung-ho and post daily getting and even offering support from and to fellow quitters. Then one day they are gone...…….. When they resurface it's usually with tail between their legs hoping for the same support they received before they relapsed. And with the excepti


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Grow into a Happy Non-Smoker

Sazerac Quit Date: October 23, 2013, A Good Day to be Free.   Posted January 16, 2019  I just found this, hope you like it too.       Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/11762-grow-into-a-happy-non-smoker/  


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About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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