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Living Nicotine FREE

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Eleven Although Ten years quit was the milestone, in this eleventh year I have utilized the lessons learned by quitting nicotine/dealing with addiction in another profound way. My body was rebelling after my years of abuse, from smoking, from defying gravity for 69 years ! Arthritis was making for painful days. No surprise. I was lucky I could still breathe after so many years smoking like a whore in church.   After experiencing symptoms of an autoimmune disease, I de

Ten Years of Freedom

Hello darling Nicotine Free creatures,   I forgot about a 10-year anniversary. Earlier this summer, remembered in a conversation with Joel Spitzer and an email from our marvelous Doreen and then forgotten completely.   Now a compelling reminder... Must never get blasé about my quit as memory of smoking recedes into the past. I ignore my struggle and success at my peril. There are far too many stories of carelessness leading to a resumption of the addiction after a

Nine Years

Hello, my darling Nicotine Free Creatures! In days I will be starting my Tenth Year of freedom from nicotine. I will never smoke again.   At times, with smoking friends, I think...I used to smoke. Do I want to smoke again?  The answer is always a ferocious, NO ! to the virulence of nicotine. I didn't have an easy quit.  It took a full year for some serious craves to abate but, I never lost my Resolve.  That was the ribbon of truth weaving through my whol


Sazerac in Sazerac's Blog

Simple Guide To Freedom

In celebration of my Six Years of Freedom, I wrote this little piece, now at seven years I re-visit my commitment to NOPE.     Sazerac's Simple Guide To Freedom   Desire:   You must want to quit more than you want to smoke   Decision:  Make the decision to live life without Nicotine.    Commitment:  Commit wholeheartedly to live without Nicotine  and intend on standing by your resolve.   Choice:    Choose to never smoke again, EVER.  This c


Sazerac in Simple Guide To Freedom

Quitting Smoking Cold Turkey

I quit almost seven years ago and have become an advocate of Cold Turkey but, believe me, I support and encourage everybody in their precious quits. Any Quit Is A Good Quit.   Seven years ago (and still seek today) I sought information (in a galaxy of  Misinformation) and was dismayed after googling around finding numerous instances of 'responsible experts' recommending to  NOT quit cold turkey. Health professionals are quick to prescribe NRT's which actua



NOPE & NTAP ~ Never/Ever/Forever

(filing post in blog)   Some quitters may have trouble with the never/ever part in NOPE  (Not One Puff Ever) or NTAP (Never Take Another Puff)   To tell you the truth,  in the nascence of my quit, I  bluffed my way through never/ever land. I remember @Cristóbal and @El Bandito    qualifying never/ever with the caveat,  'just for today',  and that was the truth too, it is about here and now.   As days and weeks passed I absorbed the truth about addic



Riffing on H. A. L. T

I have read about the acronym, H A L T, in recovery paraphernalia and have used it to a great degree of success in changing my patterns from a nicotine addict to a Free person.     Having a Crave ? H. A. L. T.   Are you Hungry - Thirsty - need a deep breath of Oxygen ? Angry - Happy - Emotional ? Lonesome - Bored ? Tired ?     In many, many instances, when I would reach for a smoke, my poor body was actual



The Significance of Rewards

This is an old post of mine that still resonates with me and I thought to stash in in my blog so it is easy for me to locate.   Nicotine stimulates the reward path in our brain and by replenishing ourselves with nicotine, we were rewarded with Dopamine. Many times a day we went from the panic of, 'I've gotta have a smoke' to 'Ahhh', the brief relief of satisfying addiction.   We were jerking our own chain every twenty minutes or so....for years.  



Sazerac's Third Annual Soiree

Three years ago, I quit smoking on a whim which quickly grew into a personal challenge to myself. A trip out West, where cigarette smoking made you an instant pariah, an aeroplane coughing fit and a horrible cold precipitated this life changing decision. I quit Cold Turkey not wanting to mess about with quacks or, spend dosh on NRT's.   My ignorance about nicotine addiction was absolute, in fact, I likely didn't 'believe' in addiction or some such denial tactic. Although, while in Califor



9 (now10) Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Help Yourself and Others Quit Smoking

9 (now 10) Ways To Use This Forum To Help Yourself and Others Quit Smoking ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   1. Learn about Nicotine Addiction ~Watch Joel Spitzer Videos HERE ~Read Allan Carr's, 'Easy Way To Quit Smoking' HERE ~Browse through THESE pinned QTrain threads and other threads filled with our quitting testimonies ~Watch THESE Big Tobacco Documentaries   2. Know You Are Not Alone In Fighting Nicotine Addiction.   3. Start a thread



Please, Take Your Lives Seriously !

Please, Take Your LIVES Seriously ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In 'real' life and here on the QTrain, I see people being careless about their lives and their quit, like they have all the time in the world ! 'I'll quit next week, maybe tomorrow, I'll quit again sometime'.   Are they not understanding how dangerous smoking is ? It's a friggin' Slow Suicide ! The ramifications are Horrible. This is no joke. Ask our beautiful friend, Doreen !   I, too, used to be casual about quitting, c



Sazerac's Second Annual Soiree

Darling, Darling, Nicotine Free Creatures !   You may remember, back in January... I stopped posting after falling backwards off my stoop, waking in hospital stitched and concussed. All has been well for a while now (I won't be needing any more head wounds, fgs) although, it did take longer to recover than expected, reading was especially tricky. "...old age is no place for sissies" (B. Davis) However, here we are together again and I am delighted... ney, jubilant, to announce a fete.  



Lifetime of Addiction

Lifetime of Addiction   I didn't want to hear this but, I am now facing this truth. Nicotine Addiction doesn't go away. You can put it to sleep. You can even put it into deep deep and deeper sleep for years ! but, it will awaken the moment you take one puff. One Puff.   This is for your whole life. Mind boggling, huh !?   This was the choice you likely didn't even know you were making all those years ago when you started smok



My Life as One Big Smoke Trigger

Have A Listen to Tex Williams, 'Smoke, Smoke, Smoke' , won't you ?       If I was ever without a cigarette between my fingers, you would find one dangling from my lips since 1969 (?). I smoked stogies I rolled mostly, until I was working as a Deck Hand in the Gulf of Mexico which made rolling problematic. I smoked tailor-mades, an occasional cigar. I smoked snipes and dog ends. I smoked walking, talking, bathing. I work from Home and You know I smoked Inside. I smoked cooking, c



About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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