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About this blog
This may end up being a mish-mash of random thoughts....I just feel the need to talk. In 2003, I fell (crashed) ....slipped on water from dog bowl...long story cut short....fractured pelvis in 9 places,mostly right side. Back has never and will never be great again. Misdiagnosed twice in ER, finally saw PCP, got the MRI. Technician asked, “ Honey, when was your car wreck?” You get the idea. 3 months later, I was walking without the walker, and doing “fair.” Kept working...I simply took call for the hospice, and would triage the calls-dispatch -ing staff as indicated. Was able to play 36 holes of golf, created a garden of
Eden in my back yard, walked 2-3 miles several times a week, did all the housework, cooking, etc.
Worked ( RN) until 10/25/15, when I started having weird epigastric pain...continued on for about an hour....drove self to nearest ER, was in surgery by 6pm for an abdominal thoracic aneurysm. Next day, I developed AFIB, Hypertension...told to see cardiologist within 2 weeks. Was immediately re-
admitted to hospital for Ablation #1. Another long story short....was able to return to work (working as case manager from home)...went through 4 more
ablations, without real improvement. Have had numerous back injections and rhizotomy’s for back issues. ( each ablation was4-6 hours, with a requirement that I lie flat afterwards for 12 hours)....this always screwed up my lower back even worse. Fast forward to 6/23/20...back to surgery for another aneurysm at the distal end of the previous one. I am having another back procedure this coming Thursday.
I have no stamina,strength,energy. All cardiac meds have failed for AFIB.
I am 5’11”, and now weigh 108#. I look and feel like death warmed over. I have resistant hypertension. All of my cardiac tests are “normal.”
I enjoy my cigarettes. This is nuts. Lung function is still WNL.
I am sick and tired of being a near invalid.
At this point....I really feel that the one thing that I can do that just may make a difference....not smoke anymore.
I am a Christian. Please send me prayers, mojo, magic potions, anything!!!!