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Why does it feel like time goes INCREDIBLY SLOW when you are trying to quit smoking? It's been less than two days, but it feels more like a week. For the past two hours, ALL I've been thinking about is smoking. Nothing distracts me and I can't think of anything to do. I can't wait for the treadmill to get here. I feel I will just be able to pop on it when I need a distraction. I hope it helps. It can't hurt. Unfortunately I can't use this "extra" time effectively, as nothing else holds my interest right now.
Feels like the hallucinations are starting again. Maybe. I am really "restless" and I need some sort of distraction. My boyfriend is going to the store, which is 20 minutes away, so I think I will ride along with him. The only reason I'm writing is because it is something to do. I am just writing what comes to mind. I should feel irritated that my boyfriend keeps sneaking out for a smoke when we are both supposed to be quitting. For some reason I'm not. I guess I know how he feels. But we both need to quit, for financial reasons. I need to talk to him about the situation.